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My Areca Palm is dying

First thing to do is correct your watering regime - little and often is not a good idea, it's better to let the plant dry out slightly between waterings, and water thoroughly when you do water. If the ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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6 votes

How can you tell if a ponytail palm tree is dying?

The top part is dead and the most likely cause is overwatering. This plant is officially known as Beaucarnea recurvata and is a plant for high light and dry conditions. From the picture it looks ...
kevinskio's user avatar
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What is the tall plant in these photos?

As you're in East Anglia, UK, the plant growing at the base of your banana is Fatsia japonica rather than anything more exotic. This is quite the strangest planting combination I've seen - banana ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the fruit of the Chinese windmill palm, and is it edible?

The fruit is usually not consumed, but is occasionally used for medical purposes in some countries - it has a haemostatic effect, meaning it clots blood, and may be used to make a solution for use as ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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5 votes

Does anyone know what type of palm tree is this?

It's a Japanese Sago Palm, Cycas revoluta. It looks to be in fine condition so I would not prune it at all if you can avoid that. You will not kill it by removing a leaf but you should only remove the ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar
4 votes

What can I apply on Dypsis lutescens to deter a cat without killing the plant?

Cats don't like the smell of Pelargoniums, so adding a couple of pots of those around the base of the existing plants might help. Otherwise, try mothballs, but you need the old fashioned, napthalene ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Pineapple or Date Palm?

Pineapple palms typically refer to Phoenix canariensis and (typically) have a thick trimmed trunk with the overall appearance of a large pineapple. The Date fruit come from the Phoenix Dactylifera. ...
Larry Saltman's user avatar
4 votes

How to straighten a leaning Ponytail Palm?

Plants grow towards the light. This one needs to be turned on a regular basis. Just a little nudge every week will do. You could repot it straighter but that will still leave the large stem leaning....
kevinskio's user avatar
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New plant came with a stowaway palm, how do I tease them apart?

Make sure the soil in the pot is good and wet - turn the whole plant and its rootball out and pull out the possible palm plus root - if its grown into the roots of the other plant, you will have to ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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What is this orange? pus growing on my Palm Tree?

When the female sago palm flowers, the 'flower', which looks nothing like the usual idea of a flower (they look more like orangy, ferny growths) is situated exactly where the orange fuzzy stuff is in ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Date palm not growing

is it a old desert say: "plant a date palm, so your sons will see the fruits from it"? So: it is a very very slow-growing plant. My experience on a green house is similar (and a green house ...
Giacomo Catenazzi's user avatar
3 votes

How close to concrete can a windmill palm tree be planted?

From the point of view of retaining the integrity of any hard surfacing, as close as 3 feet should be fine. However, it would be better to make the distance more if you can because of the arching ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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3 votes

What is this small white pest on the leaves of my office plant called?

That I believe is white fly. I would take that plant into the shower and turn cold water on it. I would then transplant into fresh potting soil maybe a bit larger pot. Spray with the correct ...
stormy's user avatar
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3 votes

What is this plant with rosette leaf arrangement that grew beside my palm?

I don't recognise it currently, but if there's any chance it's something you might want to keep, extract it carefully now, keeping the roots as intact as possible without damaging the roots of the ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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3 votes

Should I remove the tree roots coming from the neighbouring garden?

It is less known that palm roots can be of great use by humans. For example, a web site says: the root of the palm trees can be used to treat urinary tract infections and bladder problems. This is ...
VividD's user avatar
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What kind of palm/plant is this?

This is not a palm but a Yucca. The leaves are curled up a bit, I think it needs some water or it could also be a sign of overwatering (hard to tell from a picture, feel the soil with fingers).
benn's user avatar
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small brown bumps on majesty palm leaves

Those brown bumps are scale insects, and yes they can spread to other plants as well. You can try to wipe 'em off with a wet cloth, or you can use poison from the store. It is hard to get rid of them ...
benn's user avatar
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3 votes

Is this lichen or some other fungus on my palm tree?

I looks like mostly moss with small bits of light green lichen. I doubt either will harm the tree.
blacksmith37's user avatar
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Help identifying white spots on an indoor palm?

This palm has a well established colony of mealy bug. Using a magnifying glass will show them better as they hide in a white powdery layer of wax. You can try controlling them with a mix of 5 ml of ...
kevinskio's user avatar
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2 votes

Should I trim the fronds on a Queen palm?

Queen palms, and most palms, are being over-pruned in south Florida. The basic rule of thumb: if it is green it is helping tree grow and leave it alone.
joseph korvick's user avatar
2 votes

Why is my palm tree dying?

Let's not overlook possibility of pests or disease, such as the red palm weevil. The fertilizer added to the problem. Check your local phonebook for a place to have plants tested by a professional....
tania's user avatar
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Can I just cut date palm branches

No problem. Trim off any branches that are brown or don't look good. Leave enough to let the plant feed itself. I'm forever trimming up my houseplants.
Linda MacPhee-Cobb's user avatar
2 votes

What is this growing on my bamboo palm?

These are the inflorescences that are the method to produce fruit for this member of the Chamaedorea family. There are male and female flowers on separate plants. The spots on the growth eventually ...
kevinskio's user avatar
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2 votes

Are these seedlings Mazari palm or Agave neomexicana?

They are both monocots, but Agave seedlings would have opened out quickly after emerging. They are much slower seedlings. This must be your palm seedlings. They are looking great, good job! Make sure ...
J. Musser's user avatar
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Should I remove the tree roots coming from the neighbouring garden?

I agree, the councils are becoming ever so educated on these topics with many queries going directly to specific departments. They are best to talk to if you want to keep out of potential problems ...
julien de bosdari's user avatar
2 votes

What are these corn looking buds on my palm?

They're just the buds of flowers - when they open up, they're quite a large arrangement of small flowers, usually yellow, sometimes cream or more orange, and sometimes scented. Some info with an image ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Kentia palm leaves turn brown

I see two things in the picture that you could provide more details on: the small white spots on the dying frond look like an armoured scale or possibly mealybug the dying area (necrotic in plant ...
kevinskio's user avatar
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Black spots on areca palm stem

The seller of my areca palm says it is black fungus and it won't kill the areca palm. However, it is spreading all over the stems. Here is photo. I cleaned some off already with damp cotton ball.
Hedd's user avatar
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Ponytail palm Tree leaves turning brown

Likely you have given too much water, yes. Compare your plant to the image on the wiki page for Beaucarnea recurvata and if you have a greater proportion of dead leaves than that it is getting too ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar
2 votes

How to straighten a leaning Ponytail Palm?

I would take this chance to transplant into a slightly larger pot, using only plain cheap sterilized potting soil. You'll be able to straighten the bulb to allow the stem to be more upright and I ...
stormy's user avatar
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