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Is something wrong with my Aloe Vera?

From what I see here, your Aloe gets too much water for the sun it get. Aloe Vera leaves in very hot, sunny places (often sandy). e.g. already discussed here. It goes for the sun (phototropism) ...
J. Chomel's user avatar
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What is the most efficient drip system setup for irrigating a tree in the desert?

Why not do what people in similar climates used to do for centuries? Use large flat rocks to conserve soil moisture. You can amend their methods to work with drip irrigation too if you wish. Use of ...
Jude's user avatar
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What is the most efficient drip system setup for irrigating a tree in the desert?

I grew up in one of the hottest driest places in Australia. My mother still lives in this place... Adelaide, South Australia and she lives in a house on a quarter acre, surrounded by a large garden ...
andrewbuilder's user avatar
4 votes

My acer palmatum is drying, what should I do?

This is a common problem with Japanese maples. It's called leaf scorch. The reason is too hot sun and not enough water during hot weather. And hot can be above 20C already. The best thing to do is to ...
benn's user avatar
  • 13.2k
3 votes

My olive tree's leaves have dried out but bottom of trunk is sprouting. What should I do?

If there is no new growth at the top, scrape back a little of the skin or bark with a fingernail on various branches - if they're moist and greenish inside, they're still alive, but if they're dry and ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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What is this small eucalypt-like landscape tree in California?

This is the Brisbane Box (Lophostemon confertus). The flowers threw me off for a bit. The flowers on yours are about done blooming. It's native to Australia, but is cultivated elsewhere. I'm not sure ...
J. Musser's user avatar
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Why is my jade plant dying?

Yes you can keep a jade indoors, but it does require bright light..much more than any artificial office light will offer. It looks like you used soil from the great outdoors rather than a potting mix ...
Tyler K.'s user avatar
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Why is my jade plant dying?

Your jade plant is dying because of lack of sunlight and too much watering. Jade plant in my area can survive hot summer days with minimum watering, its leaves will turn a slight red to indicate it is ...
user3108698's user avatar
3 votes

What type of bonsai is this, and how do I revive it?

Yeah, hate to give you bad news but this guy is toast. Why Bonsai does not come with instructions is irresponsible. Bonsai are just like a new pet. Constant attention. Because of the limited root ...
stormy's user avatar
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What is happening to my poor Pine tree?

Pines drop a relatively large number of needles each year; because the majority of those yellowing on your tree are not at the tips of the branches, yours looks pretty normal for October in the ...
Jurp's user avatar
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2 votes

How to save a Fern which most leaves have dried out

Bathroom should certainly help with humidity. I suggest following the advice at Gardening Know How: Boston ferns need a cool place with high humidity and indirect light. When you care for Boston ...
pnuts's user avatar
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What potted outdoor plant most resembles astroturf in terms of required care

Highly restricted range, I'm afraid - even air plants need misting regularly when they are not in humid environments, plus they won't survive low temperatures. Some cacti varieties might work, but ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Cedar Hedge drying from the inside

Late lawn fertilizer was the issue. For two years now, I stop adding fertilizer to my lawn after July and since then they are looking much better. The inner foliage started to grow back again.
Maxime Morin's user avatar
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Taking care of thuja emerald green

I have Emeralds myself, but these look a little too rounded on top to be Emeralds, unless someone topped them awhile ago. As to your questions: You should be able to remove the dead leaves (and ...
Jurp's user avatar
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Is a virus, or something else, causing my tomato leaves to become shriveled, yellow and wrinkled?

I am hearing a few problems you might be experiencing. The first is moving a plant from out of doors in full sunlight to the indoors with out acclimation and the same is true moving a plant from ...
stormy's user avatar
  • 40.5k
2 votes

English Ivy plant dying, with white spots at the base

Sclerotinia White Mold This plant is not looking like a keeper. I am worried this might be Sclerotinia. I can't see them but I get the feeling that you have spider mite as well. Not the deal ...
stormy's user avatar
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Drying chilli plants

Around this time of year this looks common. Has this plant been out of doors over night? This looks like freeze damage based on this one picture. Please send other pictures and think about what ...
stormy's user avatar
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Extreme leaf-falling from Azalea

Is there anymore growth going on at the tips? If there IS growth you are able to see, do not cut it off. Your plant has gone through a major stressor. Plants are able to deal with a few major set ...
stormy's user avatar
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Drying Oregano and Mint

Do not water them too much. They are plant of dry places. They like also sun, but I would not cover them with plastic. Now just wait some more time. They are perennials, so they should be able to ...
Giacomo Catenazzi's user avatar
2 votes

English ivy - Leaves and branches drying and very minuscule insects of white color

It's probably spider mites - they're often red, but can be tan coloured or white, and they do create fine webbing. They thrive in dry air, so ensure you keep the plant sufficiently well watered ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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leaves of Areca Palm is drying after moving to a different flower pot

It sounds like you're saying you split the plant's roots in order to pot up parts separately. Unless the palm was very large and broad across the base, with several strongly growing major stems, and ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Star Jasmine with dried up flowers

If, as you say, the pot has a drainage hole, then over watering is not really possible. Water it thoroughly each time, enough that some runs out of the bottom, then wait till the surface feels just ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Urgent my favourite avocado tree is dying, please help me!

It's quite normal for avocado to have hollow stems in green immature branches and shoots, so nothing to worry about there. Drying is more of an issue; keep moist for a while and hope that the main ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar
2 votes

How do I save my lavender?

Not all Lavender varieties do well indoors as houseplants - there's a guide here about which types are more likely ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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1 vote

What is wrong with my acer palmatum? What should I do?

The first thing to do is move your tree into a larger pot with drainage holes (the one you have it standing inside seems to be about the right size), using new potting soil to pack round the root ball....
Bamboo's user avatar
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How can I save my Cedar Bonsai?

Thirding the above answers. If all the leaves are dry and brown like that, you've lost the plant. Sorry. Cedars do best with nutrient-rich, evenly moist but well-draining soil. They're vulnerable to ...
Mycelium_Drake's user avatar
1 vote

Oyster mushrooms turn reddish brown, pretty much every time. Is this a moisture or temperature or some other problem? Pls help

I have seen them grow like this - so disappointing when they start to fruit and stop. Rather than mist a lot, just put a clear bag over the whole thing to keep the humidity high, and have a little ...
Polypipe Wrangler's user avatar
1 vote

Help! Areca Palm with dry leaves

Take a look around at young palm trees the best ones with no sunburn get lots of bright light, but no direct light. Young palms naturally grow under the bright dappled light of older larger palms ...
GardenGems's user avatar
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Help! Areca Palm with dry leaves

There was a fairly recent similar question in this forum with good pictures and an upvoted answer which may provide some guidance. Watering is critical - you might want to query the water supply ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar

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