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8 votes

Insect Friend or Foe on Rose, Santa Cruz, California

I'm not an entomologist but by googling, it looks to be a Rose Weevil or Fuller Rose Beetle aka Naupactus (Asynonychus) godmani. It doesn't look like it's a goodie to have on your roses The ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
  • 23.4k
7 votes

What is afflicting this sick Bay Laurel (Laurus Nobilis) -- and how do I fix it?

You have a scale infestation. I know I’ll get responses to this blog, that sympathetic gardeners will be recommending me a wide range of products and treatments to control scale insects: rubbing ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
  • 23.4k
6 votes

Scale on plant in office: how to treat?

Here is a quick answer Take it home Cut every leaf off Reduce water and wait for new growth to appear When scale appears use 5 ml dish soap to one litre water apply with rag or cloth three times at ...
kevinskio's user avatar
  • 60.5k
4 votes

Scale on plant in office: how to treat?

If it's a decorative plant just use a systemic insecticide that is absorbed by the roots into the plant tissue.
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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3 votes

Scale on plant in office: how to treat?

what I do for scale bugs, is to dip a qtip in rubbing alcohol and rub them off... then apply neem oil when I cant see any living scale bug... it usually works pretty well for control, but they are ...
Grady Player's user avatar
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3 votes

Scale on plant in office: how to treat?

This solution is a little labor intensive but soapy water in a spray bottle (just a drop or few of soap mind you) applied regularly will suffocate most pests. it can take a few weeks at once or ...
Patrick Zissou's user avatar
3 votes

getting rid of scale bugs by submerging

Look, this method of drowning will drown the plant as well, cause stress. Using Neem is not a one time thing, normally. I do make up a batch of Neem in a 5 gallon pots and dunk smaller plants, ...
stormy's user avatar
  • 40.5k
2 votes

Bay Leaf Tree (Laurus Nobilis) with severe scale

The lovely bay tree. I have noticed that my plants get infested with aphids etc when they are not in good health or are stressed. For some reason the aphids scale etc seem to arrive. I feed my plants ...
UGHETTA PARENTI's user avatar
2 votes

Scale on plant in office: how to treat?

DO NOT cut off the growth of this plant. Mix Chrysal "Leafshine Concentrate" with water in a spray bottle. Spray the plant (safe to do in the office - I have used this product in countless offices on ...
KyloP's user avatar
  • 21
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getting rid of scale bugs by submerging

I just did the soaking method with dish soap. I had them on a jade plant I took from an outside garden. I have had them on this plant for a while and finally made the decision to do something about ...
Cheryl's user avatar
  • 21
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How can I control scale insects on an indoor olive?

To be frank, I'd remove it. The new shoots from the base which you've been cutting off are arriving because the tree is desperately trying to put out new growth because its upper parts are so badly ...
Bamboo's user avatar
  • 135k
2 votes

Can scale reattach after being physically dislodged?

Probably what you scraped off were adult scales - crawlers may have been beneath, or were too small to notice and you only saw them once they got a bit bigger and attached themselves. New scale ...
Bamboo's user avatar
  • 135k
2 votes

what kind of pest is this, and how to get rid of it?

If the potting soil was too wet for a while, then it might be fungus gnats, but they don't really look like that, although a magnifying glass would be useful for you to use. Image and information on ...
Bamboo's user avatar
  • 135k
2 votes

Citrus treatment for scale bugs and whether fruit is edible

Ooh, nasty one indeed - the active ingredient acetamiprid is dangerous to bees. That particular insecticide is both contact and systemic - systemic means it enters the sap stream of the plant, and ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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2 votes

What pest is this on my areca palm?

I had a similar situation with my Areca Palm and some other plants. I was able to curb the mealy bug problem largely by following the steps mentioned in kevinskio's comment. Additional thing I did was ...
clintverghese's user avatar
2 votes

Hawaiian palm tree. Scale or something else?

First of all, that's not a palm, that's a Plumeria I believe. They were introduced to Hawaii. All parts of the plumeria are considered toxic and the sap itself has a propensity to cause rash in ...
LazyReader's user avatar
1 vote

What are these whitish deposits on the top surfaces of these houseplant leaves and should I do something about them?

The water you are misting the plants with also contains dissolved minerals. The composition and amount depends on where the water is from. My area has a lot of limestone so the tap water contains ...
kevinskio's user avatar
  • 60.5k
1 vote

What pest is this on my areca palm?

This is mealy bug and hard to get rid of on palms as they hide in the leaf sheaths surrounding the new growth. More details are here but soap and water or neem oil applied at least three times at five ...
kevinskio's user avatar
  • 60.5k
1 vote

Is this scale on my English ivy? How to prevent spreading to other outdoor and indoor plants ? Should I just uproot and throw them out?

Scale can be controlled by scraping with a fingernail. They just need to be dislodged , they don't generally reattach. Depending on the situation , it may not be worth the time. I have a 5 ft. ...
blacksmith37's user avatar
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Scale like skin on indoor dragonfruit plant. Help!

I believe this plant is a Hylocereus, which is a genus of epiphytic jungle cactus. The brown patches you see look like corking which is the hardening/thickening of the skin/flesh in older parts of ...
Tim Nevins's user avatar
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getting rid of scale bugs by submerging

I had a few tillandsias (aka airplants) that had scale insects. I submerged the plants for about 10 hours and it successfully got rid of the scale insects without any harm to the plant. I have read ...
Gary's user avatar
  • 11
1 vote

What is afflicting this sick Bay Laurel (Laurus Nobilis) -- and how do I fix it?

Feed the plant with an organic fertilizer such as Seagro and add compost to the soil or replant with fresh soil. Strong plants seem to ward off scale, whilst I notice plants that are weak seem to ...
UGHETTA PARENTI's user avatar
1 vote

What is afflicting this sick Bay Laurel (Laurus Nobilis) -- and how do I fix it?

Scale bugs can be easily scraped lightly off with fingernail. Removing all leaves seems pretty counterproductive. You may as well get a new plant if your going that far.After scraping leaves and ...
user37670's user avatar
1 vote

What is afflicting this sick Bay Laurel (Laurus Nobilis) -- and how do I fix it?

I have used olive oil (extra virgin). It clogs up the scale insects' lungs and they can be nudged off when dead.
Ted's user avatar
  • 31
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What is afflicting this sick Bay Laurel (Laurus Nobilis) -- and how do I fix it?

Yes, scale. I have about a 10 ft one and it looked worse and worse for 2 years until I realized it had bad scale problem.I scraped a lot off with my nail, I think that would be the way to handle your ...
blacksmith37's user avatar
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1 vote

What is afflicting this sick Bay Laurel (Laurus Nobilis) -- and how do I fix it?

Graham is correct, this is an advanced scale infestation and they are tricky to control. Here are my recommendations: remove all leaves cleanly with knife or sequiturs. Clean with rubbing alcohol ...
kevinskio's user avatar
  • 60.5k
1 vote

Why would my citrus tree have dying twigs, burrowing insects and black scale?

"Looks like the vascular system has been compromised and only a bit is left to function. The scraping bit is worrisome, the black might just be honey dew, bacteria growing on insect excrement and ...

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