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Strange brown winged insect on nectarine

It's called a leaf footed bug. The exact species will depend on your location but I'm leaning toward Leptoglossus clypealis since your profile says you live in San Francisco. You can read more about ...
MyNameisTK's user avatar
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What is the larva in these nectarines?

common nectarine problem insects All I know is I will forever be looking before biting into a nectarine or peach or apricot again!! Pretty sure you've got more than one insect in that fruit. ...
stormy's user avatar
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Small Nectarine plants - Leaves turn yellow

from the above info and the photo I see it seems like it's a mobile nutrient deficiency this is when the plant decides to "canablise/sacrifice/transport" some of the nutrients in the lower leaves to ...
seedelicious's user avatar
1 vote

Crippled nectarine tree leaves

Peach leaf curl is a common problem: It is a fungal infection and should be treated by spraying your nectarines with ...
Daria's user avatar
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Why do some of my nectarines have missing skin and deeply damaged interior sections?

Coryneum blight is also called shot hole disease - This is a fungus issue - Spray with a2-5% Chitosan solution as a tree drench - remove fruit that have dropped or developing fungus.
Dori Bon's user avatar

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