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What is this tiny blue/purple flower with thin, vinelike stems, in Charles City, Virginia?

Even though I am no type of botanist, I can't resist a good puzzle. So I decided to look into and came up with "creeping eryngo" or Eryngium prostratum Note ...
Lorel C.'s user avatar
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6 votes

What is this tiny blue/purple flower with thin, vinelike stems, in Charles City, Virginia?

It looks likes the beginnings of blue Hobbit stikle
Christy B.'s user avatar
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What is a non invasive, large, structural species of Bamboo?

Ain't no such animal. Well, Plant. I've looked... Clumping bamboos (cold-climate tolerant) do not grow particularly "large and structural". For that matter, in zone 5, about the best you can hope ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
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Is Buddleja Butterfly Towers invasive?

With regard to the UK, this quote is from the Royal Horticultural Society: Known as the butterfly bush, the fragrant flowers of buddleja are a favourite nectar source for butterflies. These ...
Peter4075's user avatar
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What is this Prickly Plant Sending Out Runners

That looks like rose growth, most likely off a rootstock; possibly the grafted part of the original rose has died and now just the root stock is left and spreading everywhere. It's entirely separate ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Some vines around root of hydrangeas?

The plant surrounding and climbing into the Hydrangea is Vinca - not sure if its Vinca minor or Vinca major; common name is periwinkle. The difference between the two varieties is one has smaller ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Is this branch from the blueberry root stock?

That is not from your blueberry, that's a kind of willow (salix). (I'll do some more research and post possible candidates for a better id later.)
Stephie's user avatar
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What is this tiny blue/purple flower with thin, vinelike stems, in Charles City, Virginia?

I don't have a conclusive ID for you, but maybe this will help someone else finish the job. I am convinced this is a member of the Sanguisorba genus. The leaves, sepals, rhizome, and flower head ...
Silt Loam's user avatar
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ID request, please. For a friend in Ventura, CA. Unknown volunteer plant

Ninety-Five percent sure it's a form of Fleabane (Erigeron annuus), it's in the daisy family, and I let it grow on the margins of my property. It's considered a weed, the public flower garden I weed ...
CloneZero's user avatar
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How should I eradicate or control mugwort without herbicides?

Mugwort (there are a few species with that name, two of them are very aggressive invasives) is devilishly hard to control, so this is not going to be an easy task. I am not a fan of careless herbicide ...
cazort's user avatar
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Is Buddleja Butterfly Towers invasive?

I agree with Peter's answer; if you look at the images in the Sun, they demonstrate a complete lack of attention and neglect in earlier years. In my experience, yes, Buddleia does sometimes (though ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I get rid of mint?

One of the best ways is to use a combination of digging it up and then applying only vinegar to anything that shoots up on hot days so the vinegar will soak into the plant
Mack's user avatar
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What is this tiny blue/purple flower with thin, vinelike stems, in Charles City, Virginia?

How sure are you that the trifoliate leaves belong to this flower? It's just the flower resembles Pontederia lanceolata, see here
Bamboo's user avatar
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What is this Prickly Plant Sending Out Runners

Rugosa roses are characterized by rugose leaves, which means deeply creased. They have heavily etched veins in their leaves. That looks more like a hybrid spinosissima Rose, and may have been a ...
Philip's user avatar
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What is this Prickly Plant Sending Out Runners

Rosa Rugosa I've added a pretty informative site. We sold these plants at all the nurseries I've worked or known. They are invasive, yes they are, birds eat the hips and poop them out. Easiest thing ...
stormy's user avatar
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How to eradicate bamboo from suburban SFH?

Bamboo GardensThis article might alleviate much stress and anxiety. I guess the 'invasive' nature of plants is based upon seed dispersal, not roots. What the previous owners should have done was to ...
stormy's user avatar
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Why can't I kill bamboo roots with bleach?

First, let me just say that the bleach treatment will do nothing much in regard to the roots of the bamboo - the majority of the root system is widespread under the hard landscaping, and is ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Is this plant a young black swallow-wort?

As you say at this stage it could be a number of things including lilac for example. A key factor in helping identify is that Swallow Wort shoots grow from rhizomes, thick roots that persist through ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar
2 votes

Trying to identify this invasive vine

If the berries just turn black and aren't multicoloured, it is most likely wild grapevine (Vitis riparia); porcelain berry and wild grape are often confused with one another because of their ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Trying to identify this invasive vine

I've never heard of porcelain-berry, but looking at the Virginia Native Plant website, your climber certainly looks like it. In particular the "inflorescence ... is a cymose panicle – its ...
Peter4075's user avatar
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Is Buddleja Butterfly Towers invasive?

If you do a web search on "invasive buddleja" you will find loads of sites describing the plant as invasive (it's not invasive in my area of the world (yet) because it tends to die after one ...
Jurp's user avatar
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What to do about a mature Norway Maple in an eco-friendly native garden?

This is always a dilemma, as any mature tree provides a lot of habitat, be it native or not - but it also takes up space that could be used by something even better and produces masses of seeds to ...
OihaneFdez's user avatar
1 vote

What to do about a mature Norway Maple in an eco-friendly native garden?

There are two other arguments in favor of removing it: It has been thought that Norway maple may be allelopathic, but there has been no scientific confirmation that they produce chemicals to inhibit ...
That Idiot's user avatar
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Is this a kind of wild mint?

You are holding Dead Nettle I think, if it smells a bit like mint, purple flowers? Lamiaceae. The other prolific weed is Chickweed... Lamium maculatum
stormy's user avatar
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Options to kill/remove invasive buckthorn

I'm going to experiment with dousing cut buckthorn stumps immediately with industrial-strength vinegar. I'm using 45% acetic acid straight. I also use this product 1:2 with water in replacement of ...
Eric's user avatar
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Options to kill/remove invasive buckthorn

Glyphosate is relatively safe to use. While there currently is some data about health effects, they are long term with chronic exposure. It breaks down in the soil. Of the various herbicides I've ...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
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Options to kill/remove invasive buckthorn

You missed your best chance to kill them, which would have been to paint the stumps with brushwood killer - but you need to do that immediately after cutting, so plant will carry the chemical down ...
alephzero's user avatar
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Options to kill/remove invasive buckthorn

In addition to the document you reference note that Ontario has done quite a bit of work on this subject too. See this publication for example. Heavy pruning followed by dedicated consistent shoot ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar
1 vote

Why can't I kill bamboo roots with bleach?

You cannot kill bamboo roots. Take it from me. My house was surrounded with 7 different types of bamboo on a very small lot (thanks to ex husband). I have literally had to rent an excavator 3 times ...
Ginger T.'s user avatar
1 vote

Why can't I kill bamboo roots with bleach?

I can appreciate your situation. While I do not have bamboo, I do have milkweed, mares tail and various thistles to contend with in an open garden which to some extent present a similar problem. They ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar

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