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5 votes

Transplanting Azalea Bush Late in Season

Given that any plant transplanted in December in your area won't be able to grow roots before the ground freezes, such plants will be susceptible to frost-heaving, which could easily kill it outright. ...
Jurp's user avatar
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2 votes

Extreme leaf-falling from Azalea

Is there anymore growth going on at the tips? If there IS growth you are able to see, do not cut it off. Your plant has gone through a major stressor. Plants are able to deal with a few major set ...
stormy's user avatar
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2 votes

Are azalea plants dead when the leaves turn brown?

Mid November; I estimate roughly a 40 % loss of azalea foliage. The loss is spread over dead bushes, dead branches (starting from the ground) and dead twigs. Recovery growth during the summer was not ...
blacksmith37's user avatar
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1 vote

Why are my Azaleas failing?

If they get a lot of sun, then the heatwave we had in the UK recently may have caused this - the smaller ones will also have smaller root systems, so they would have felt the impact more, and may have ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Why are my Azaleas failing?

Sun depends on where you are; In TX is is difficult to grow azaleas in full sun, it requires daily water . However yours look good. Brown tips usually means it got too dry. Azaleas like acid soil like ...
blacksmith37's user avatar
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Identify tree with bright magenta flowers and grayish leaves

It is a Rhododendron of some variety; rhododendrons used to be split between azaleas and rhododendron, but now they are all classed as rhododendron. What used to be known as azalea types usually have ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Azalea japonica in trouble

Size of pot is fine, and you used the right potting soil, so no problem there. You are right that it wasn't a great idea to repot whilst the plant was in bloom, but I suspect it was probably ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Azalea japonica in trouble

The white flecks look like Azalea whitefly. Examine under magnification to verify this. Treatment is possible after blooms are gone, but be careful to follow product instructions. Make sure to use ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar
1 vote

Azalea japonica in trouble

Azalea blooms do not last long and your leaves look good , so I think the blooms are just finished. When Houston TX plans their "Azalea Gardens Trail" it is always a challenge to pick the best weekend ...
blacksmith37's user avatar
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Is this a rhododendron or an azalea and whats it called?

Counting the stamens (about 10) shows it is a Rhododendron. Azaleas have about 5.
Polypipe Wrangler's user avatar
1 vote

Are my Azaleas damaged?

I have many azaleas and never saw damage like that . Possibly lack of water. However, azaleas love acid soil and your concrete planters imply alkaline soil. Checking soil pH would not be a bad idea. ...
blacksmith37's user avatar
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