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12 votes

What is a good method for planting Ball and Burlap trees?

Time of year: Any time of year works, as long as the ground is not frozen, or the air very hot and dry. Obviously frozen ground will be 'hard to work with', and you will not be able to plant the tree ...
J. Musser's user avatar
  • 51.9k
9 votes

What to do if too many seedlings are in the same pot?

You seem to have more than a hundred seedlings overall. Are you willing to grow every single one of them into adult plants? I'm assuming not. If that's the case, you'll be discarding them at a later ...
willyjoker's user avatar
8 votes

Why should a pot be only an inch or two bigger than the previous pot when re-potting?

Roots head for moisture not walls. If you want a plant with deep roots, you water deeply and allow to dry before watering again. This trains the roots to grow towards the water so it will have the ...
stormy's user avatar
  • 40.5k
8 votes

Why shouldn't I water a Blue Spruce tree during and after transplanting it?

In my 25 years as a landscaper in the Pacific Northwest, I have never heard of such a treatment. With that said, the only thinking I can come up with is that the arborist feels that by watering in ...
Ben's user avatar
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7 votes

Can I transplant the cucumbers in these pictures?

It's true that cucumbers are best planted as seed in the location in which they will grow. There are however many considerations to work through when contemplating a relocation. What I'm thinking in ...
andrewbuilder's user avatar
6 votes

Why should a pot be only an inch or two bigger than the previous pot when re-potting?

The reasoning behind this advice to only use the right sized pot is that if you put a very small plant into a large pot filled with potting medium, most of the medium (potting compost) will not be ...
Bamboo's user avatar
  • 135k
6 votes

How can large Sassafras trees be dug and transplanted?

This is another one that I've done. For reference I'm in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USDA zone 6b, last frost in April, First frost in September. We get 40-60" of precipitation per year, and the soil is ...
J. Musser's user avatar
  • 51.9k
5 votes

How can I transplant this large oak tree?

I would say no, definitely not, even if you waited till dormancy in winter. It looks like its been in ten years or more, and by now will have an extensive root system both down into the ground and ...
Bamboo's user avatar
  • 135k
5 votes

What chances do I stand to relocate this thuja bush?

Certainly possible, some investigation is in order first: the more the soil drains quickly the farther out the root system will spread. Take a space and trench around the perimeter of the plant. ...
kevinskio's user avatar
  • 60.5k
5 votes

Can Irises be transplanted in late winter?

In gardening there are usually optimum times for doing things and yes, now is a bit late. That doesn't mean it won't work though: many bulbs are even sold "in the green" (Scilla non-scripta and ...
George of all trades's user avatar
5 votes

What will produce the most tomatoes with multiple seedlings?

Normally in such a situation, if I were faced with this issue, I would split them.The fact is that tomatoes make roots very fast and given the right growing conditions would quickly recover from being ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar
5 votes

Lemon tree transplantation

Who told you that a plant should get no light after being transplanted? Yes, it is probably not a good idea to put a freshly transplanted plant in direct sunlight outdoors, especially if its a small ...
Stephie's user avatar
  • 16.8k
5 votes

How/if to transplant a 15' Catalpa?

I don't know about Southern Catalpas, but Northern Catalpas are hardy trees. I cut one down that was about 15', and it grew back a number of times that year (I removed the shoots whenever they started ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
5 votes

Is it possible to transplant irises without the rhizome?

Those look like Japanese iris (Iris sanguinea). They have a smaller, clumping rhizome rather than the large spreading tuberlike rhizomes of the bearded iris (Iris x germanica). They can grow a long, ...
J. Musser's user avatar
  • 51.9k
5 votes

How can I control mint in the garden?

I agree, a flower pot won't work. I have seen it contained successfully in a garden, in the ground, and how the owner did it was to use a galvanized metal dustbin or trashcan, originally intended to ...
Bamboo's user avatar
  • 135k
5 votes

Multiple Cast Iron Plant rhizomes (Aspidistra Elatior) in same pot?

The Cast Iron plants are slow growers, so I would leave the 2-3 plants per pot, so that it looks fuller already. It is normal to have more separate plants put together in one pot. They are quite easy ...
benn's user avatar
  • 13.2k
5 votes

Rosemary plant died but I see new sprouts, should I move them?

I think what you are seeing are random weeds that are sprouting in your pot from air blown seeds.
Graham Chiu's user avatar
  • 23.4k
5 votes

How to prune chili plants to help recover from transplant shock

Pruning a plant suffering from transplant shock is often a good idea. If your plant is recovering, I wouldn't worry about it too much, though. Just prune according to normal guidelines for peppers. ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
5 votes

Transplanting Azalea Bush Late in Season

Given that any plant transplanted in December in your area won't be able to grow roots before the ground freezes, such plants will be susceptible to frost-heaving, which could easily kill it outright. ...
Jurp's user avatar
  • 20.1k
4 votes

Why shouldn't I water a Blue Spruce tree during and after transplanting it?

Based on the picture, your soil looks quite moist enough already. By watering, you could cause problems in winter with constant saturation, because of the ground freezing. I'd say, if the soil holds ...
J. Musser's user avatar
  • 51.9k
4 votes

What will produce the most tomatoes with multiple seedlings?

From my observations and experience, most of the time you can expect smaller fruits and less production from two all-season tomato plants in the same location in the ground than you can from one ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
4 votes

How/if to transplant a 15' Catalpa?

I wouldn't recommend doing this, how ever if you do, water several days before you do any digging around the roots allow time for the tree to fully hydrate before potential damage occurs during ...
olantigh's user avatar
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4 votes

When is the best time to move daffodil bulbs?

From wikiHow: Divide and transplant daffodils at the end of the growing season. Wait until the growing season is over before you begin. When the growing season is over, the foliage will wither away ...
pnuts's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I transplant the cucumbers in these pictures?

I wouldn't transplant them if I were you. I've tried transplanting cucumbers before and it wasn't a successful experience. However, if you do, you may experiment by soaking the roots in water until ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
4 votes

Time to plant new shrubs and plants in New England

It's better to do it in fall, but before the first frost date, whenever that is in your USDA zone. It's not a good idea to plant small cuttings or seedlings at that time, but containerised or wrapped, ...
Bamboo's user avatar
  • 135k
4 votes

Can you cut and transplant clippings of Autumn Joy Sedum?

Sometimes what I do is leave the plant to die down but I don't cut off the flowering stems- soon afterwards sometimes you will notice little buds down the stem- then what I do is cut off the entire ...
olantigh's user avatar
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4 votes

How can large Sassafras trees be dug and transplanted?

From a different perspective : I have tried to move small , one inch diameter, sassafras ( in IN and East TX ) without success . Both soils were sand and sassafras were growing naturally . The problem ...
blacksmith37's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I relocate my cherry tree?

I like Ecnerwal's suggestion to leave the cherry in place. A gift to the soil and the new tenant. If it must be moved, follow standard nursery practice and "ball it up" while still dormant. During ...
herb guy's user avatar
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4 votes

Can young sunflower transplants take a light frost?

Sunflower plants are not frost tolerant, but the seedlings are, they will tolerate down to -3deg C at the cotyledon stage for a brief period; that is why the suggestion to sow 2 weeks before the last ...
Bamboo's user avatar
  • 135k

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