First application of fertilizer/pesticide (lawn food with crab grass preventer)
Most specific pesticides are ineffective while the target plant is dormant (or still seed).
Crabgrass starts growing very early in the season (the general rule is to treat it before the forsythia ...
How do I fix dead white patches in my lawn?
So no presents for you under the plastic then! I'm glad really - that larvae you found could be the larvae of a moth or butterfly because its not immediately recognisable as a leatherjacket, but might ...
If I just leave dandelions and clover in my lawn, what problems may happen?
Over time,your lawn will become largely a mix of dandelions and clover, because both will out compete the grass for nutrients and water. Since you don't use any chemical treatments, you could harvest ...
How do I fix dead white patches in my lawn?
The earth looks very compact and doesnt from the photos look like there is a good level of good quality top soil.
for me, you need to get some good soil, compost and gypsum on top. poke holes and ...
If I just leave dandelions and clover in my lawn, what problems may happen?
dandelions and clover are harmless for lawns, if anything they're beneficial.
Dandelions have big tap roots, which dig into compacted soils and bring nutrients to the surface.
Clover is in the Pea (...
How do I fix dead white patches in my lawn?
I would recommend working on the basics first before trying to repair the lawn. Firstly, I would remove all the weeds in the lawn and secondly I would fertilize the lawn. Also, make sure you are ...
eating my weeds
It's perfectly safe. Otherwise I would have 5 arms by now, or be dead.
So, you’ve treated your weeds and now it’s time to get the good stuff growing again. You might be wondering, how long does a ...
eating my weeds
You are 7 years past the point (3 years) where your land could be certified organic, (at least if using glyphosate on it was the only thing of concern) so I expect you're fine.
This paper indicates a ...
First application of fertilizer/pesticide (lawn food with crab grass preventer)
Crabgrass preventer is a pre-emergent herbicide, which means that it prevents seeds from sprouting; since your dandelion plants have already sprouted, it will do nothing to them. It may, however, ...
Re-sodding to solve weed problem without use of herbicides
The second landscaper is right. If you get someone else to do the job, they will either need to kill the weeds with herbicide, or they need to dig out each weed separately, extracting all root ...
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dandelions × 18weed-control × 9
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