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Questions tagged [water]

Water is a transparent fluid which forms the world's streams, lakes, oceans and rain, and is the major constituent of the fluids of living things.

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farm hydrant back flow preventer/antisiphon

I have a farm hydrant near my life stock tank. The tank is filled from a short section of hose. I had a back flow preventer/anti siphon on the hydrant to prevent tank water from getting into the ...
Neal's user avatar
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Water Sprinkler eventually goes to Zero water

I have a well with a 40-60 pressure tank. I have a manifold with 2 hose bibs. One bib has large sand filter, and the sprinkler attached to the end of that. Nothing is attached to the other bib. I ...
Terrence's user avatar
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Vinca not blooming flowers

My vinca is having buds but it is not blooming I water it when the soil is dry also it wilts in little sunlight also the flower that last came it's colours had faded to light pink but the plant ...
 Shaikh's user avatar
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What's happening to my rosemary plant -is it dying?

I don't know how it happened i water as i was told and it is still like this but still smell good don't know if this happens to others any solutions. Is there any hope for my rosemary plant?
Tree's user avatar
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When is the best time of year to flush a potting mix to remove salt with a plant growing in it?

I suspect that I might have too much salt in my potting mix as a result of using unwashed builders sand in my potting mix. Should I flush the pots with water hoping to rid the mix of excess salts and ...
Michael Sherpa's user avatar
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Do I need to worry about the water dripping from the cut branch of the tree?

It's been two month since the branches were cut, and the water has been dripping from it since then; a small pond has formed. Is this something to be worried about?
Sam Shurp 's user avatar
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Run irrigation line up-and-then-downhill or uphill?

I have a big elevation drop from one side of my house to the other. I must choose one of these sides as a take off for hose spigot-to-PEX which I'm going to lay under ground toward my garden about 600 ...
Paul W's user avatar
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If you colour water red in a hydroponic system will the leaves on the lettuce turn red/pink

My daughter has to do a science project. She wants to build a hydroponic system and colour the water red to see if the lettuce leaves will turn red. Will it? I don't want to build the whole system ...
user41453's user avatar
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"Water Hardiness" Scale

I was recently pondering on how landscapes of cities like San Diego or Phoenix would look like without water supplementations. I was surprised to see quite a bit of trees growing in Phoenix, and ...
MikeW's user avatar
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Cherry Tree planted near creek

I have been investigating putting a cherry tree in my yard, the sweet variety. I love cherries, but keep feeling guilty buying them at the store. A fresh pint of cherries is so expensive. I have a ...
Zachary Johnson's user avatar
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What all does a plant not liking too much sunlight actually mean biologically? Is it mostly dehydration from heat, or direct light damage as well?

I have a variety of house plants I pick up from a nursery that has "indoor plants" and "outdoor plants" areas. We can't communicate well due to different languages, but I ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Amount of diluted fertiliser to use on plants

Is there a recommended amount of diluted fertiliser that should be used per plant? Once I've diluted fertiliser (e.g. Tomorite) into water, I never really know how much of that water each plant should ...
user2878409's user avatar
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Why should carnivorous plants not be planted in regular soil / watered with regular water?

I have read again and again on website after website that should not plant carnivorous plants in regular soil and only water them with distilled water. Typically there is no justification given or a ...
lpnorm's user avatar
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How can I hide pond liner behind 4 foot waterfall drop?

I am unfortunately a committed DIY'r. I got some help with large rocks but I have a few tall drops that I need to hide. I have a guy who recommended that I stack cobble and hold it in place with ...
TJ Sherrill's user avatar
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Which diameter corrugated pipe should I use for a French drain?

My area gets a lot of precipitation so I want to install French drains and rebuild some retaining walls. I know I need some perforated corrugated pipe, but I’m not sure which diameter to get. Should ...
LRitter's user avatar
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Does roughening up the soil really reduce evaporation?

I am reading a gardening book and encountered (three times in fifty pages) the statement Roughening up* the soil reduces water evaporation. Especially in the presence of caked up topsoil. My ...
Vorac's user avatar
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Vacume / Osmosis watering gadget: limitations?

I just found a great sounding device on amazon, which apparently uses vaccume or osmosis to help water plants: The idea behind is, that it waters the plants, only when the soil is dry. The little ...
user1721135's user avatar
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My cactus is growing very thin

[![]my cactus is growivery thing. It was left unattended for a month without proper sunlight or water. I want to know how i can save it. Please help me. Sharing some pictures below.2]2 It used to look ...
Shannon's user avatar
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Should I use small rocks to disrupt yard erosion?

I'm having a problem where rivulets are forming in the lower section of my yard, giving it a fragmented like appearance. I assume this is caused my runoff from the upper section of my yard, which is ...
WannabeCoder's user avatar
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I found a blue plastic tarp about 6 inches under landscaped area in the front yard. Can I remove it?

I have encountered a curious situation I'm hoping someone can solve. When I started digging a hole to plant a young bush in my front yard, I saw 1-2 inches of wood chip mulch, then a black landscaping ...
Bee Gee's user avatar
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Finding leak underground of sprinklers system

There is an area in my yard that is muddy. I suspect there is a small leak of the underground pipes. To avoid randomly digging the entire area (which about 20ft x 10ft), is there a reliable way to ...
Quoc Vu's user avatar
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How to remove alkalinity (calcium carbonate) in water?

I have a lot of plants that are acid loving and are very sensitive, such as maples. The tap water in my region comes from the Colorado river and thus has high alkalinity, i.e. high amounts of salts. ...
Christian's user avatar
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Tomatoes not growing from seed

Hi can you grow tomatoes on your windowsill to grow outside on 22nd March and beyond? I tried a few years back and got some tasty tawny tomatoes (Can't remember the date I planted) But have tried some ...
Aaron Cooper's user avatar
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Raised garden in flood zone

Say that I have an area of my lawn (in northern Mississippi) where water tends to pool after a rainstorm (see photo below). This prevents me from effectively installing a traditional garden. Would it ...
bill999's user avatar
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How long can a monstera grow in water?

I have a little monstera with an odd backstory. I found it, abandoned, bare-rooted and in very poor health on the ground in full sun. It had been there at least a week, and with no viable roots. I put ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
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Can this open water reservoir be damaged from the ice building inside it?

This circular concrete structure in the garden may have been a well before but now the bottom is closed and a water pipe leads to it. It is roughly a meter deep, 1.3m diameter, 50cm above surface and ...
djangonaut's user avatar
7 votes
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Indoor Majesty Palm has yellowing leaves that also have brown tinges - too much water or not enough?

Help!! My majesty palm now has 20% of its large leaves being mostly yellow... There are brown tinges on many of the leaves, including the green ones. I am not sure if this is too much or too little ...
ina's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to prevent water at the bottom of a large ceramic indoor container for a Norfolk Island Pine?

I purchased a Norfolk Island Pine that's about 4 feet tall (20 bucks at Home Depot!) to replace the one I got last year, that I put in a large ceramic pot (14 inches high, 15 inches across), because ...
Jv74's user avatar
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Monstera Adensonii (vining) Cuttings not growing and curled leaves after 3 months

I've had 3 monstera aderisoni leaf cuttings from etsy since the end of August. They shipped from Florida. All are still alive but none have tried to grow a new leaf and all look a bit curled up. I'd ...
Leah Wasser's user avatar
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Why is my Coconut Palm getting brown spots?

I was just spraying a bit my Coconut Palm with water (repotted 2 weeks ago) when I noticed those little brown spots on some of the leaves. They don't seem exactly the same as the 'overwatering' ones, ...
Lena's user avatar
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What's the right way to protect this brick if I want to pile soil up in front of it?

Problem Water pools up next to the house because it's the low point on the soil side of things. Solution I'd like to have a lot of dirt brought in that will raise this ~6-8 inches to encourage the ...
Ben's user avatar
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What is this concrete structure we unearthed in our backyard?

While working on a backyard project, we found a concrete structure that had been buried beneath a few feet of dirt. It seems to be mostly constructed of concrete and some large rocks. While digging ...
Matthew Walk's user avatar
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Tips to start a siphon without getting a mouthful of water

I have spent the week setting up my water storage system including a1000L ICB, I am lucky that my allotment is next to one of the large communal water capture and storage areas and with heavy rain ...
Richard C's user avatar
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Soil seems to be constantly moist even with days without watering

I had this old pot filled with barely used soil and left it unused for years. Now I'm using this soil for other plants but it seems to be constantly moist which isn't good for species of plants that ...
Ark Lomas's user avatar
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Remove stagnant water safely

We have a bay laurel tree in the back garden. We have noticed the pot is no longer draining. It’s been filling up with rain water for months now. I’ve been too worried to go near it! Too much googling ...
Ciara Isabelle's user avatar
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Lawn on an old sea defence

In our back garden now, we have mostly sandy topsoil sitting on an old Victorian sea defence, which is shingle. We trucked in literally tons of topsoil about 5 years ago, laid turf and all was well ...
Christine's user avatar
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Good thorny bush for a ditch or low area on my lot?

I have vacant lot in Sandy Central Florida I want to clear and do some land grading on. My plan is elevate the center back by digging some slopped graded ditches. I'm looking for plants and trees ...
Hell.Bent's user avatar
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How to germinate seeds using the plastic bag method

I've been trying to germinate seeds (lavender and tomato seeds from store bought seed packets) using different ways of the paper towel in a plastic bag method that I've been reading from the internet ...
user71128's user avatar
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rainwater tank freezing damage

I am thinking of placing a 1000L rainwater tank in greenhouse to prevent temperatures inside greenhouse from dropping below 0°C(32°F). The tank is from PE-HD plastic. I am not able to assess how ...
sanjihan's user avatar
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How to root basil cuttings without putting them in water?

I tried several times to multiple my basil using the cutting method, however they don't root and rot everytime, even if I put a piece of charcoal in the container fil with water. So, is there other ...
Moh18's user avatar
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Curled pink leaves

Desert Rose My leaves at the bottom have curled and turned pink. They are soft and pliable, no yellow or brown on plant. It is also flowering.
Skeeter135's user avatar
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How to bury water pipes in a nice and safe way

I have a 4000 square meter land that contains my house, trees and vegetables and I use many water pipes in it. I have a main water pipe that comes from the main pipe from the street that crosses all ...
Menelaos Vergis's user avatar
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Practical to feed a pond from an existing stream on the property?

Our garden has a stream on one border of it, and I'm considering adding a pond. I'm curious if it'd be practical to pump water from the stream into the pond, and then have an overflow that fed down a ...
Codemonkey's user avatar
8 votes
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How to convert inches to gallons?

When I'm trying to figure out how much to water things in my garden I'll often see things like, "...they will need 1-2 inches of water each week." From what I understand, this is the same as if there ...
Abe Miessler's user avatar
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How to know if my pond is leaking?

Dealing with a manmade pond and a lot (real estate) next to it that's owned be someone else. The pond is about 85 feet across with a dam on one side. The dam is close to the other lot and water is at ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Wet pre-sprouted seed potatoes, is there an hurry to plant them?

I inadvertently left pre-sprouted seed potatoes on my balcony and they suffered a severe shower today. I didn't plan to plant them before 4 days at the very least. Is there an hurry to plant them ...
Skippy le Grand Gourou's user avatar
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Mulch + raised garden for a desert water saving Vegetable Garden?

I am planning a raised bed vegetable garden in dry Southern California. I wish to produce food in my dry climate, and am concerned for possible future water restrictions. Besides the water savings ...
Jon Galt's user avatar
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Propagate Ti Leaf Plant Cuttings In Water

Recently from my trip to Hawaii I brought back some Ti Leaf (Red Cordyline) cuttings. On the package it says to soak them in water until they develop roots around 5cm long. I have had them in water ...
Mihkel's user avatar
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What is the recommended elevation between the water table and the growing surface?

I'm starting to plan out my garden for the spring planting, and am trying to figure out how much surface I need between where the green part of the plants and the water table. I'm trying to have a big ...
black thumb's user avatar
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Can trees starve for water as they get bigger?

We had this huge pecan tree that stood alone. The landlord said it used to put out paper shell pecans that could be cracked with one hand a decade ago. I also heard that smaller pecan trees put more ...
Muze's user avatar
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