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Will it be ok to put a layer of sand on top of a clematis container

I have a rather small fungus gnats' infestation with my plants. While I am applying some other solutions, like neem oil, diluted hydrogen peroxide, etc. for my container clematises I would like to try ...
Boycott OpenAI sellouts's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can I grow wisteria on sand?

I'm planning to plant Wisteria next to my house. After I removed concrete slabs that were next to the wall, I noticed there was a deep layer of building sand underneath. I'm planning to cover it with ...
user902383's user avatar
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How to prepare sand from an ocean beach to be suitable for rooting small cuttings?

I've decided to start rooting cuttings in things other than water. In a discussion under Are these going to become roots on these cuttings? They're taking forever to appear, and I'm worried ...
uhoh's user avatar
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How thick does the impermeable layer need to be when grading a yard?

I'm grading my yard and have found a deep layer of sand (at least 2 ft) extending out about 10ft. Perhaps the sub base for a patio? I understand I need an impermeable layer to ensure rain runs away ...
Tenz's user avatar
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Is it a known phenomenon that clay, silt and sand separate easily in bad tilth with litte humus?

I have witnessed the following phenomenon multiple times: The soil looks compressed and trampled on for a long time and is presumed to contain little to no humus. There is also no visible plant life. ...
zonksoft's user avatar
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Safe options for sandfill for synthetic turf?

I purchased some synthetic turf, just for a small area (approx 2x1m), and when reading the instructions it mentioned about needing to use dried silica sand as the sand infill. Because I was having ...
Brett's user avatar
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What is your experience in building a sand pit?

I am planning to build a sand pit in my backyard. The area measures 200 sq. ft. What do you suggest is the the best approach in preparing the area, choosing the sand, how much sand to use, and laying ...
Timbercanary's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is sand mixed in when levelling grass?

There are tons of videos on Youtube where they show how to level grass, where most if not all have sand mixed in. Why is sand mixed in? Couldn't I just use the top dressing as is?
Sandra Schlichting's user avatar
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Are there any complications installing concrete pavers over a natural sand sub-base?

I will be installing a concrete paver patio in the near future, and recently dug 6 post holes in the area of the patio and discovered there is about 6" of topsoil/organic material, then a natural ...
rgmrtn's user avatar
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Please ID this grass, shrub or willow in Highlands County Florida

Can somebody help me identify this species. It grows in clusters like a grass, the stock gets to about inch thick and grows straight and solid. Also like a basket willow. But also wondering if this ...
Hell.Bent's user avatar
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Can I use white aquarium sand to replace the sand on my substrate?

I want to make a substrate with vermiculite and sand. However, I don't find a small amount of sand to buy where I live. At the market I saw this white sand for aquariums. Does anyone know if I can use ...
alanahere's user avatar
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4 answers

How to make well-drained sandy soil from potting mix?

I want to plant sage, which is said to grow best in well-drained "sandy soil". I bought some potting mix from the hardware store. Is off-the-shelf potting mix already sandy, well drained soil? ...
glenviewjeff's user avatar
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Lawn on an old sea defence

In our back garden now, we have mostly sandy topsoil sitting on an old Victorian sea defence, which is shingle. We trucked in literally tons of topsoil about 5 years ago, laid turf and all was well ...
Christine's user avatar
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Weed Barrier over tanbark?

We are slowly working to refurbish our landscaping. There is an area next to the driveway the previous owner had covered with weed barrier and tanbark. The barrier is ineffective against weeds, but I ...
user26519's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Remove a large sandbox from my yard?

In my backyard there is a 20' x 20' sandbox on a slight incline (0' to 1.5') with an approximate volume of 300 cubic feet (11 cubic yards). The sandbox served as a foundation for an above-ground salt ...
shufler's user avatar
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