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Questions tagged [vegetables]

Any edible plant or part of a plant. For questions if an unknown plant is edible use the [edible] tag.

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How do I stop slugs and wasps in vegetables

I have slugs and wasps eating my strawberries. I have placed beer in cups and it attracts some but doesn't last long.How do I stop them?
user52368's user avatar
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What pear-shaped vegetable is growing in my soil?

In Vancouver (Canada) after a fairly cool summer 2024, I was surprised to find a vegetable growing in my garden soil. What is it? they were around 8 inches (20 cm) below ground they have a diameter ...
krknhqbxc's user avatar
7 votes
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Are there any poisonous species of salvia?

My father used to have salvia growing in his garden with green leaves and purple flowers Are there any species of salvia that are poisonous? ¿Can salvia always be used in cooking, or only sometimes ...
Samuel Muldoon's user avatar
5 votes
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What's the disease affecting my cucumbers?

I noticed today that some of my cucumber's newer leaves are blackened and withered around the edges, and the new flowers seem to be similarly affected (they blacken and die before they can bloom). The ...
Norah Shen's user avatar
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Different use cases for watering patterns for different types of vegetables

I would like to ask, why is it that during gardening, often, water must be placed on the side of the plant, often in a slight sulk, rather than from above, is it because the leaves may rot, and, in ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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When to water vegetables

I have been told that it is best to water vegetables in the morning and in the evening/night. Why is this? Why would watering the vegetables in the afternoon damage the plants? What if it rains? ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
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Why is there white spots on the stems of my tomatoes

Theres a kind of white i guess youd call it a fungus looking stuff growning on a couple of mt tomatoe plants
Gwen's user avatar
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Why is my pepino melon bitter?

About a year ago, I bought a pepino dulce fruit from the store. It had white skin with purple stripes, and its flesh tasted slightly sweet, but nothing off-putting about it. So I decided to plant a ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Pest Identification in SF

First time growing in SF and I have a multitude of different plant varieties in a garden bed. My peas are all growing fine as is my broccoli, but something keeps eating the leaves of my arugula and ...
Katie's user avatar
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What precautions should I take while planting tomatoes?

I am thinking of planting Tomatoes in my garden and just wanted to know all the precautions one should take while doing so. As these plants are susceptible to various diseases and other problems I ...
App-Plantora's user avatar
1 vote
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Mix topsoil with compost for vegetable garden

I'm trying to convert my backyard into a vegetable garden. I am first removing the sod. Is it OK to replace the matter with a 50/50 blend of topsoil and compost? Topsoil costs half of that of compost. ...
user2233706's user avatar
5 votes
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Convert yard with grass into vegetable garden

I want to convert my backyard into a vegetable garden. The area consists of mostly patchy grass and some weeds. The plantable area has plenty of sunlight. The sod is 3 inches deep. I want to plant ...
user2233706's user avatar
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I need help identifying volunteer vegetable plant from compost

I have a volunteer vegetable patch. Mostly pumpkin and various tomatoes have grown from cold compost (plus some deadly nightshade). But one plant has come up that I cannot identify. We tend to put ...
Deanne from Canberra's user avatar
4 votes
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Soil testing for new gardener

I'm a new gardener interested in getting my soil tested. Does anyone have a recommendation for a lab?
gardeningtotherescue's user avatar
4 votes
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What could these gelatinous deposits on organic Brussels sprouts be?

I recently purchased a full stem of Brussels sprouts grown without pesticides in Kanagawa, Japan. Upon preparing the sprouts for cooking, I noticed that many of the sprouts, from the lower part of the ...
meltyhobo's user avatar
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Will headless cauliflower form a head next year?

I planted cauliflowers this year. None of them formed heads I replanted the seedlings twice and I have since heard that this is bad for them so maybe this is why. Now I have 2 rows of giant ...
Sarah's user avatar
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What kind of snails are these and how do I get rid of them

I have a lot of very tiny snails in my large vegetable garden, and throughout the year they do a lot of damage to my vegetables. So far, products such as Bug-Getta do not seem to work (at least that ...
Cary Jensen's user avatar
6 votes
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How to grow radishes as quickly as possible?

I am in a (unimportant - prize is worth $5) competition to grow the biggest radish within 4 weeks. All of us have seeds from the same packet (10 seeds each), but other then that we have cart-...
davidgo's user avatar
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Did I cut too much off my kale?

I am wondering if I cut off too much from this plant. Please advise.
ParthianShotgun's user avatar
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Disinfecting greenhouse

We have a small greenhouse/polytunnel (4×5×2,5 m) and this year is first season for growing tomatoes and peppers in it. However, this year was challenging regarding weather and diseases. Each time ...
False Identity's user avatar
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My shady and rather cool garden is always behind those nearby. Could starting seedlings under grow lights help?

I grow veg in southern England, starting from seed in a south-east-facing windowsill. I already use a heated propagator for my seeds as my house isn't very warm in early spring. The garden has mature ...
Chris H's user avatar
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What is the cause and Solution to blossom end rot in tomatoes

There are a lot of questions and answers on this topic but I am not completely sure what the main issue is. There seems to be contradictory information as to what causes BER in tomatoes. I have two ...
JStorage's user avatar
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Transplanting vegetable plants

I am having to move home and have 3 tomato plants and about 10 sweetcorn in my polytunnel. I also have carrots outside growing The tomato’s are in flower and the sweetcorn have husks starting to form ...
Richard C's user avatar
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Planted my super sonic tomatoes too close, am I screwed?

So I started a garden this spring (late May) and got 6 super sonic tomato seedlings among a few other vegetables. Due to financial constraints, I wasn’t able to buy a huge raised bed, just a 67"L ...
Liberator's user avatar
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whats causing these stains on the leaves of my eggplant

recently these dark brown stains started to appear on the new growth of my eggplants leaves and I'd like to find out what's causing it. I started it from seed on early may and moved it to a 10 gallon/...
lina3's user avatar
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Green onions planted in potting soil smell intensely of potting soil

I recently bought some green onions from the supermarket and decided to try replanting some of them in a planter box on my balcony. I saved the bottom 4-5 inches of three onions and planted them in ...
Josh Townzen's user avatar
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Do I cut down Broad Beans after Harvesting?

I am growing Broad beans of the aquadulce variety. After I have harvested the beans and the weather has become too cold and dark for the plant to make new pods, should I cut them down and plant ...
Daron's user avatar
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Asparagus too tall to cover?

First time growing asparagus! Placed 2nd year roots in the ditch with compost mixed in, covered it and watered it twice. The asparagus stalks appeared about 10 days later and were way more than 2 ...
David C's user avatar
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What kind of pipe adapter for irrigation system in garden bed?

I have planted a garden and have a pop up from my irrigation system that is capped. If I loosen the cap too much water comes out flooding the plants nearest to the pipe. I am wondering if there is ...
ahsteele's user avatar
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What varieties of watermelon ripen before the last frost in Colorado?

🍉 In the state of Colorado within the United States, what variety and/or cultivar of watermelon does best in urban vegtable gardens? Given that the word "best" is subjective, I will note ...
Samuel Muldoon's user avatar
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When is it safe to plant vegtables outside in Denver, Colorado?

When is the last frost in Denver, Colorado? Officially, March 20th is the last day of winter, but when is it safe to plant seeds or seedling in Denver, Colorado (in terms of snow or freeing ...
Samuel Muldoon's user avatar
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If you colour water red in a hydroponic system will the leaves on the lettuce turn red/pink

My daughter has to do a science project. She wants to build a hydroponic system and colour the water red to see if the lettuce leaves will turn red. Will it? I don't want to build the whole system ...
user41453's user avatar
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Baby bottle gourd falling off

Why baby bottle gourd is falling off from bottle gourd plant? The green color baby bottle gourd turns yellow from green color and then falls off. Only 1% success I have. There are lots of flowers ...
Jacob's user avatar
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What type of tomatoes would be good for me to plant?

I am completely new to gardening and growing plants so this is all new to me. I have an unused vegetable patch in my garden with plenty of space and as it now spring I am looking to plant in it. I ...
Tomatoman's user avatar
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Is this a good thought process for creating and filling a raised garden bed in San Antonio, Texas?

I'm in the process of making a ~ 4' x 4' x 1.5' raised planter in San Antonio. Here are some of my thought processes / approaches to the planter itself that I'd like to get a second opinion on. In ...
Anxious McFirstTimeGardner's user avatar
6 votes
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Will vegetables or fruit contain microplastics in near future similar to microplastics in seafood?

I see that ocean is full of plastic and that causes plastic to be in seafood. So my question is: If intentionally or non-intentionally plastic is introduced into soil, could that lead to plastic ...
puzzled's user avatar
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A webapp that enables gardeners to create planting calendars for their region. How can I improve it?

I've made a web app for people living in remote regions that helps share planting information between them and lets them build a planting calendar together for their community or location. It's called ...
Maurice's user avatar
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How do biennials know when to die back?

Carrots and radishes form an underground mass during the first summer and the seeds during the second. I use a tiny heated unlit greenhouse. How will they ever know it's 'winter' instead of continuing ...
Vorac's user avatar
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How to protect garlic bulbs over the winter?

I'm about to plant garlic bulbs in a raised bed, and I'm located in hardiness zone 7. It's fall now—what do I need to do to protect them over the winter?
Chloe's user avatar
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Are purple cherry tomatoes ripe and if not can I pick them and will they ripen off the vine?

I started growing my cherry tomatoes in July, but used a container rather then planting them in the ground. Most of the tomatoes have ripened. But I have a few that are not turning red, but staying ...
Rose Schaer's user avatar
30 votes
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How do cucumbers happen? What does "very poorly pollinated cucumber" mean exactly? How can pollination be "uneven"?

This answer to Strange Fruit from Tomato Plant begins: That looks like a poorly pollinated cucumber (the type of distortion on the fruit is exactly what you'd see if pollination were uneven). ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Can we use mayonnaise as a fermentation agent for liquid fertilizer?

I have some spoiled mayonnaise somewhat similar to in this picture. I was wondering whether it is possible to use it as an alternative for molasses in liquid fertilizer fermentation.
Emma Smith's user avatar
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Deformed flowers in chili pepper plants

I recently noticed this on my outdoor chili pepper flowers, I find it difficult to describe so here are the images to start with: As can be seen above, there is a green pod bulging out of the flower ...
Mr Saraf's user avatar
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How to tell when a pepper is ripe?

I just started a raised bed garden. I know when tomatoes are ready to be picked, but how do I know when my one pepper is ready for picking?
Marinaio's user avatar
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How quickly do these fertilizers get used up?

I had my veggie garden soil tested last year and followed the university extension recommendations by adding nitrogen (blood meal) and potassium (sul-po-mag). So far, the plants have responded well ...
nuggethead's user avatar
3 votes
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Tomato leaf problem

I get this problem on my tomato leaves every year around this time it seems like. The older affected leaves get crispy after time goes by. This happens on Brandywines, Celebrities, Empires, Betterboys....
user3011589's user avatar
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Banana and Bell Pepper Leaves curling with dark veins

Recently I sprayed a mixture of dawn dish soap, water and cedar oil on my peppers because of aphids. Soon after there was a dramatic leaf drop. That appears to have stopped but the new leaves are ...
LankyKong's user avatar
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What are these burnt-like spots on my potato leaf?

I planted some Russian Blue potato's (next to some tomatoes I might add) and noticed what I think might be sun damage. However I wanted to confirm, perhaps it's some like alternaria. I also wanted to ...
ParthianShotgun's user avatar
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What do I do to get this turnip top to grow more?

A few weeks ago, we noticed some leaves on the top of a turnip. For a bit of mild amusement, we cut off the top and put it in a pot of water. Roll on to today, and it's about nine inches tall, with ...
Avrohom Yisroel's user avatar
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What are the vegetables that can be foraged or grown easily in West Bengal, India

I am considering to compile a list of vegetables that could be foraged or grown easily in West Bengal, India. Any pointer would be very helpful. Not sure if this question is appropriate for this forum....
Sarbbottam's user avatar

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