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Questions tagged [plant-health]

For questions about how to maintain or assess a plant's health.

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American Pillar Arborvitae Flowering or Diseased?

What is happening at the tips of this American Pillar arborvitae? The plant is 3 years old and part of a row of about 15 similar plants. It is shorter than the others and started developing brown ...
Jon Jaroker's user avatar
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How to handle bulbs planted in containers in November and stored in cool garage that now have tall shoots?

I decided to create bulb "lasagna" containers this fall for early spring blooming: daylilies, crocus and grape hyacinth. I stored them in the garage but November here in the NE was extremely ...
Betsy Hays's user avatar
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Rubber plant new growth deformed

Rubber plant seems to have some problem, not sure what it is. When it gets new growth, the growth looks stunted and deformed. I tried to take pictures and hopefully, you can see from the pictures the ...
user58048's user avatar
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Will our Potted Duranta plant become root bound?

We have a Duranta in a 20” pot, Will it become root bound?
Jay's user avatar
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New a. Peperomia turning black

I’d like to ask if anyone knows how to help a plant when its inner leaves are turning black. It’s fairly new, I repotted as soon as I got it because it had bad soil, I used a mix of the old soil, ...
Annon's user avatar
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What is wrong with my jade plant? (Yellow leaves, burnt edges)

My jade plant is in direct afternoon sunlight in my lanai. It’s potted in a ceramic pot but leaves are turning yellow and the edges are turning burnt. Some leaves are wrinkled and some are yellow so I ...
Ava's user avatar
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Is my rubber plant dead? Is there any way it can come back to life? It has a strong sentimental value and I don’t wanna let her go

I repotted it a couple of months ago and the leaves drooped immediately. I was working out of town at the time and wasn’t very consistent on my watering. I thought it would come back on its own but ...
Mohamad Wael's user avatar
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Brown spots near the edge of Ginkgo biloba leaves

Brown spots have started to appear on my Ginkgo biloba leaves. The plant is only a few months old. What could be the issue? Initially, the spots were only present on one leaf, but now there is another ...
Flux's user avatar
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Why my Gunnera Manicata older leaves die?

It grows very fast. But only the youngest leaf is fine. Older leaves die after some time. There's not any visible root rot symptoms. The plant likes the water, it grows in the swampland, so it's not ...
user1209216's user avatar
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How to encourage horizontal growth for my rubber tree plant

I’ve grown this plant from a tiny sprout almost 4 years ago. But it’s only grown up without branching out. I’m afraid to cut off any leaves in the event that it doesn’t lead to sprouting, however, I’d ...
Mere's user avatar
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Parsley has white/yellow decoloration and spots

Complete beginner here. I planted a parsley 2 months ago and I left it with automatic watering for 1 month and when I came back the leaves where discolored and had some spots of yellow or white. Some ...
Random Parsley's user avatar
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young silver maple with severe bark wound

We planted a silver maple last year and used soft loop-style stakes to help it grow straight. However, it developed a large (over 60%) wound on its 1 year old trunk (which is only @ 2" in ...
geoff simmons's user avatar
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What are these on my cabbages?

These weird little things contribute to appear on my cabbages since it was little, does anybody know what they are or how I could prevent them?
Blazeboy01's user avatar
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Is this blossom end rot?

I've got a mystery heirloom tomato plant growing in a 5gal grow bag outside. Zone 7a Canada, in the Essex county area. I've noticed brown dots starting to form on almost all the tomatoes that are ...
Alex J's user avatar
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Any way to rescue a sliced passionfruit vine? Just today it got detached from the treestump / root system

About 12 hours ago a neighbor sliced up and removed the stump / roots of a rather large passion fruit vine from their backyard. Their yard shares a wall with my yard, so over the years a large amount ...
ArmadilloPython's user avatar
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What is wrong with my 3 avocado trees?

I purchased 3 grafted avocado trees (different varieties) and planted them a few months ago. They were doing pretty good until recently when the leaves on all 3 trees started to change color and look ...
Serge Shammas's user avatar
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Base of plant turned brown. Still good? Needs rescue?

Here's what it looks like: Zoomed in you can see I cut one of them to see what is inside, before noticing there is also a root going into the ground above the cut, and before as well but not sure if ...
trusktr's user avatar
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White and black dots on my aromatic plants

I'm growing 2 varieties of Basil (in the same pot) Rosemary, Thyme, Mint, Parsley and Coriander. However, other than parsley and coriander, they all seem to have some white and black dots on their ...
K.H's user avatar
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How can I help our Fittonia fill up, get more bushy? It's all hollow looking with long individule stems

It is 3 to 4 yrs old and has been in same pot I bought it in
William Squirlock's user avatar
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Meyer Lemon tree leaves yellowing / no new leaves growing

I purchased a Meyer lemon tree sapling and planted it on May 13th. Last month, I observed that the leaves were turning yellow and no new leaves were appearing. Initially, I assumed this was a typical ...
elunaery's user avatar
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Eastern redbud hack job

I am so sad. We had some yardwork done today. We were anticipating having our yard cleaned up, we were not anticipating having our trees hacked up. Our eastern redbud was beautiful and dropped to the ...
Chelsea's user avatar
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Why are my petunias dying?

I got some petunias a month ago, but recently they seem to be dying from the ground up. I am fairly certain watering is not the problem, and I have them under grow lights, so I imagine they are ...
Schuyler de Vos's user avatar
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What is wrong with my young magnolia? Please help

I have a young magnolia tree whose leaves started turning brown on the edges. I am fertilising it (is this a mistake?) with a fertiliser that contains nitrogen. Could it be that there is too much salt ...
user47704's user avatar
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My scotch bonnet (Bonney pepper) buds won't open

I live in South Korea. In early March I planted some scotch bonnet seeds. I've had to keep the plants inside because I live in an apartment and have no way to keep them outside. It's now raining ...
Rae's user avatar
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Mint leaves have lots of small yellowing dots, what is it?

My mint has been growing since the beginning of spring and it has been growing leaves that start a vibrant green but dull to a much lighter green with yellowed dots all around it. I am mostly growing ...
Harrison Williams's user avatar
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Propagating the cordyline from cutting didn't work

I have a cordyline plant that was becoming leggy so I thought to cut the stems from the leggy stem and propagate it. I cut the healthy stem into 4 pieces, planted them into the soil, and then watered ...
Dhara's user avatar
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what is the stringy stuff growing off this plant?

i noticed stringy stuff off a plant I have and am concerned its some sort of mold ... its very fine like a cobweb whitish in color and whispy. it is not sticky like a spider web and i dont see any ...
Cc Dd's user avatar
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How to use charcoal ash for

I have a lot of charcoal ash after doing BBQ and it is hard to throw it but I read somewhere, it can be good for grass, I have got patchy garden and my goal is to make it beautiful and lush. Will ...
localhost's user avatar
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Struggling Marigolds After Transplanting

I started African Marigolds and White Marigolds indoors. They had strong, tall, thick stems with lots of leaves. Recently transplanted them outdoors in large raised bed. They are lying down, weak, ...
Sherri's user avatar
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African Daisy Curling

My african daisies were okay during seedlings. I was gone for a month and asked my uncle to take care for it awhile. When I came back my uncle told me they grew like that (curly) and only one was long ...
Perry's user avatar
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My rosemary leaves are turning yellow then brown

My rosemary leaves have started to turn yellow then brown. I’ve tried changing the watering schedule thinking I gave them too much, but that didn’t help, then I tried adding more water - no change. ...
Amber's user avatar
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My rubber plant is struggling with small new growths and yellowing leaves. What am I doing wrong?

I’ve had the plant for 6 months. It is placed by a window with indirect light, and I water it once a week with 24 oz of water, with some water draining out the bottom. It was repotted 3 months ago. ...
Marta Karas's user avatar
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How can I revive a 3 year old Meyer Lemon that never grows?

So this little Meyer is at least 3 years old. It was started in a sunny location, good soil, drainage, kept leaves and had tiny fruit, but never grew or developed. Moved to another location, got worse....
Kurt Triffet's user avatar
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How to make Asiatic Lily bulbs sprout?

I bought 5 Asiatic lily bulbs on Amazon about 40 days ago. All of them were healthy. 3 were sprouted. The new stem of one of the sprouted ones broke. 40 days later these 3 bulbs (2 unsprouted and one ...
sal's user avatar
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Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata) health concerns

I've been checking on my jade plant, which is standing in full sun. I moved it outdoors arround 2 months ago, when temperatures went above 12°C day & night. I was on holiday for a week, before my ...
raffaelbaer's user avatar
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Why do all the flower that come out on my Rhododendron never fully open? All the light purple flowers show up but never completely open up [closed]

All the light purple flowers show up every year like other plant in the yard but none of the flowers completely open up like they are glued shut. This has been happening for years. The bush had ...
Jerry's user avatar
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I think I over pruned this rubber tree plant and I am scared I killed it, any advice would be appreciated

I had an extremely leggy rubber tree plant that I was gifted and based off the advice I was given I cut all the stems to 6". It has been nearly 2 months and I have not seen any growth. Im not ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Are ants okay on my raspberry bush?

This is my second year with this bush, and it’s really taking off. I’ve noticed ants in the large planner running all through the dirt, but no issues at all. The past couple days I’ve noticed them ...
Devin's user avatar
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What are these white little popcorn-like lumps on my kangaroo paw?

It's winter here in Australia, and the stems of my kangaroo paws have recently sprouted about half a dozen of these weird pure white lumps maybe 5 mm in a diameter. They're hard and pop off easily ...
lambshaanxy's user avatar
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Tiny Holes in a few hibiscus leaves. Also slight yellowing

What to do? Hibiscus plants Tiny holes and slight yellowing on leaves. Looked like very small ants on the leaves. Also thought I saw a small small whitish spider
Holly Pollard's user avatar
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A wet spring is killing my 2nd year asparagus plants - can I move them now?

When I planted my asparagus a year ago (drought year), I didn't know that that part of the garden has standing water after heavy rains. This spring has been wet and the plants are turning yellow and ...
Bhavia's user avatar
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Dying Pachysandra

The pachysandra on one side of my front yard died gradually in the past two years, but the other side (last photo) is OK. I have an irrigation system, and water everywhere regularly. I live in Long ...
bobby_yan's user avatar
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Dark spots on leaves of dogwood tree

About three weeks ago I planted a white dogwood tree. The plant survived one night of frost, but then the leaves began to darken and dry as in the photo. Is this a fungus? What can I do in this ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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Rose new buds are wilting and faling

I planted a rose bush 2 months ago. As you see in the images, the new buds are falling off. I used soil 60% garden soil, 20% compost, and 20% sand. It gets 4 hours sunlight daily. I only water when ...
Sunild's user avatar
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Schefflera dying

This is my first time owning a plant and I am trying my best but it seems to be dying :(( I was told to water it whenever the soil is very dry, two fingers deep, so I ended up watering it about once a ...
Audrey Price's user avatar
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Is there something wrong with my tomato plant?

2 days ago I got this small fruited tomato baby boomer plant. It was already potted and today I noticed there are quite a few dead leaves and some of the leaves have white spots and the bottoms of the ...
Kristy Lutterloah's user avatar
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tools and techniques for determining nutrient status in plants

I am interested in tools and techniques, both commercial and academic, developed for determining nutrient status and identifying limiting nutrients in growing plants. My specific interest is in ...
sanjihan's user avatar
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Can I do anything for my squash vine that lost its leaves?

This year I set myself up a grow tent for for the first time. My first group of seedlings were all luffa gourd. I sowed the seeds into soil blocks at the very end of February, and they lived in the ...
MackM's user avatar
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My plum tree use to produce Plus how do I get rid of the fungus on the tree [closed]

Plum Tree - it hasn't produced in awhile. On one side the lower branches have not had any plums, should I cut the whole branch off? Plus it has fungus. What should I do? The fungus is light green ...
Gina Borreani's user avatar
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Avocado cutting's (and plant) stem is turning black/brown

I have an avocado cutting which showed some promising growth, but now is dying as the top of the stem is turning black, with some white powdery stuff on it. The plant that this cutting was from also ...
nescientnoodle's user avatar

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