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Questions tagged [pollination]

Process of pollen transfer in plants, enabling fertilization and sexual reproduction.

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8 votes
2 answers

Red streaks in Louisiana sweet oranges

We have orange trees that have always produced "orange flesh" oranges. This year a few of the oranges have red streaks in them. Is is possible that this year the flowers were crossed with a blood ...
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3 votes
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Ideal plants for rental property?

We have a rental property in zone 9. I planted bungleweed, salvia guarantica (blue black), firebush, lantana, ligustrum japonica, Pink muhly grass, dwarf lemon tree, camellia and others 2 years ago. ...
Danger14's user avatar
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Side effects of introducing cultivated variants of a plant into an area where the wild version grows?

Plant breeders, farmers and gardening enthusiasts have for centuries been selectively breeding plants to develop plants with certain desired traits, be it larger roots or fruit, showy flowers or.... ...
Stephie's user avatar
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Can I save a male pumpkin flower for later pollination?

I have a pumpkin that's been putting out male flowers for about 3 weeks with no females yet. I'm worried I might not have any male flowers open when the females do bloom. Can I save some male flowers ...
beta's user avatar
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What is the radius of wind pollination for sea buckthorn?

I've heard that wind pollination is how the sea buckthorn is pollinated, but I plan to put the trees crosswind. would this work for proper pollination of all plants?
black thumb's user avatar
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Brassicas seed saving

I plan on growing a few different brassicas such as cabbages and bok choy, and I'd like to collect seeds from these open pollinated varieties so that I don't have to keep buying seeds. How do I ...
Graham Chiu's user avatar
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11 votes
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Rotating indoor plants outdoors for pollination, fresh air, etc. How often?

Following up this question, I have a rock filled border surrounding the outside of the screened-in porch. I'm planning to have container plants both inside the screened-in area, and outside on that ...
Henry Taylor's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between male and female asparagus plants, and is it important for growing?

Yesterday I found a box of two asparagus plants among some bags of bulbs at a local store. I couldn't open it, so I don't know what they look like, but the box was about 6 inches tall and 3 inches ...
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL's user avatar
6 votes
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Can I preserve plant pollen?

I have an amaryllis plant that is getting ready to bloom, and I know that I won't have enough time to cross pollinate it with a snowdrop so I want to know if it's possible in general to preserve ...
Morella Almånd's user avatar
4 votes
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What are some good pet-safe pollinator-attracting vines?

I have some areas I want to cover in vines, and I want them to attract pollinators, but also be pet-safe (especially cats, as mine are quite curious). I could not find much documentation on this (it ...
CrazyMatt's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Do tomatoes require pollinators to bear fruit?

I ask because I have a small raised bed wrapped in hardware cloth to keep the wildlife out, and then it's covered in shade cloth to keep the hot southwestern sun out. The plants (one "container tomato"...
CDspace's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Pollinating C.pubescens (rocoto) peppers

Inspired by this question, I have grown some rocoto (C.pubescens) from seed. Despite using grow lamps and salt petre, germination rates weren't high, but after only 3-4 months I have some strong ...
winwaed's user avatar
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6 votes
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Why do my passion fruit flowers lack pollen?

I have a passion fruit plant that is about 4 years old, and all the fruit it ever given were two little cracked marbles that fell off the plant quickly. I water it regularly, I attempted to water it ...
TheFertilizer's user avatar
6 votes
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Does the (Malus) Prairie Fire Crabapple require cross pollination?

Does the Prairie Fire crabapple tree require cross pollination to survive? I have heard from numerous sources that if we don't plant another (different) crabapple tree next to it, it will die. However,...
Kalel Wade's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Affect on Netting on Fruit trees that have Flowers and Bees

I am looking to use a Tree net for my fruit trees to protect them from Birds and Squirrels . One of the trees I plan to spread it over is the " Manilkara zapota " Tree. I had some good production this ...
Dallas Carter's user avatar
4 votes
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Why is my indoor lime tree growing fruit without pollination?

I'm growing a lime tree indoors. It's about 7 or 8 years old now and finally producing some flowers and also fruit. I just read a home guide from SFGate that manual pollination is required to grow ...
stdcerr's user avatar
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8 votes
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Do cloned tomatillos pollinate each other?

For tomatillos that require a pollinator, if I have only one tomatillo plant, but I root some cuttings from it, will the plants pollinate the other clones (and/or the parent)? They're all from the ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
18 votes
12 answers

How long can a bell pepper plant thrive while maintained indoors?

I haven't found anything stating that the plant dies off after producing fruit and it is my understanding that if I keep the environmental conditions correct, continue manual pollination, and add ...
Status3543's user avatar
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Should I pinch my blueberry bushes for the first year?

I know you're supposed to pinch strawberry plants for their first year. That way you have higher yields of strawberries the following years because the roots have been able to fully develop during ...
The Flash's user avatar
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9 answers

Why does my Goji Berry produce many flowers but never bear fruit?

I have a 4 foot tall Goji Berry plant that has been prolifically producing flowers all year long. None of the flowers ever become fruit. I've witnessed hummingbirds poke into each flower because they ...
JoJo's user avatar
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How do you tell if a tree is male or female?

I was reading through some of the questions on fruit trees, because I've been thinking about getting some blueberry bushes and cherry trees, and I see a lot of people mentioning that the trees don't ...
The Flash's user avatar
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Can I successfully cross-pollinate different species of Aloe?

Okay, I have the big guy from this question, and the little guy from this question. I believe, from their different growth habits, flowers, and mature sizes that these are different species. I have ...
J. Musser's user avatar
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How can I remove a lily pollen stain from a hard surface? [closed]

First, I apologize if this seems a bit off topic but since I can't find a StackExchange site where this fits, I imagine experienced gardeners would probably know how to solve this problem. So, I ...
RLH's user avatar
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When should I hang my mason bee house?

I bought a mason bee house from gardener's supply and I am wondering when should I hang it up? I am in Berks county, PA. Here is the link :,default,pd....
user2374093's user avatar
8 votes
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Increasing Olive Pollination

I have a Mission Olive tree, and I've read in several places that Sevillano and Ascolano will both increase fruit set as these 3 are good cross pollinators of each other. Unfortunately I cannot find ...
WebChemist's user avatar
3 votes
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Should I worry about cross-pollination from the sterile comfrey cultivar, "Bocking 14"?

I am looking at growing some comfrey, Bocking 14 maybe, but I see that this is a sterile hybrid to prevent the weed from growing out of control. My concern is: I save most seeds from what I grow, ...
Oscalation's user avatar
3 votes
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Can self-pollinating plants cross-pollinate?

I recently purchased a top hat blueberry shrub. According to the leaflet it came with, it is self-pollinating. Does this mean that it can self-pollinate, or that it only self-pollinates? Would getting ...
pflaquerre's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Are muskmellons self-fertile?

I am experimenting with muskmellons this year. Starting from seeds I kept from a melon I bought last year I was having 3 nice seedlings by the end of April. Putting them outside in May (and hoping ...
Patrick B.'s user avatar
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Why are my French Cobra bean flowers not being pollinated?

I have French Cobra bean which I heard is supposed to self pollinate. In the mean time all the flowers just dry out and fall off leaving a small stem behind. It's the first time I grow beans and I ...
Rafal's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

What causes flowers to fall off of a blueberry bush?

My blueberry bush's flower bells are falling off, leaving only the center stalk (stamen? pistil? whatever it is, its part of the sex organs) Is this what happens when a blueberry flower is properly ...
Peter Grace's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Deer ate my lily buds last year. Will the bulbs survive this year?

My mother has been raising an ever-growing family of lilies of various colors for the past 15 years. In the previous house, they would grow to almost 6-foot tall while in the new house (which gets a ...
Synetech's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

What can I plant to attract butterflies and other pollinators in Minnesota?

A lot of plants can pollinate themselves. Fruits: Tomatoes, Strawberries Vegetables: Peppers, Eggplant, Snap Beans, Lima Beans, Lettuce, Endive, Peas, Cabbage, Broccoli, Beets, Kohlrabi ...
Logicalunatic's user avatar
10 votes
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Is it practical to breed new cultivars at home?

Is it sensible and possible for a home gardener to attempt to create new cultivars (e.g. of citrus) via manual/controlled pollination in a home garden without specialist equipment? For instance, if I ...
Lisa's user avatar
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Are Lady slipper orchids self fertile, and how can you pollinate them?

I am trying to get seeds from a certain orchid (Lady slipper) I have. Are they self fertile? What would be the best way to pollinate them? The genus is Cypripedium
Itay Moav -Malimovka's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Can I cross pollinate basil and chili peppers?

If I want to plant 2 different species of chili pepper, should I be careful to prevent cross pollination? I heard that chili are self-pollinating, but I don't understand this. Wouldn't any plant ...
lamwaiman1988's user avatar
16 votes
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What is the proper technique to hand pollinate an eggplant?

I have an eggplant that has thus far produced several flowers, but no fruit yet. I have read that hand pollination is often necessary for eggplant to produce fruit. How do I go about hand pollinating ...
wax eagle's user avatar
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What steps can I use to encourage pollination?

I have some plants that have many flowers but not very many vegetables being produced; sometimes it seems as if I'm growing the plants for the pretty flowers and not for the vegetables that may ...
Michael Todd's user avatar
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