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30 votes
2 answers

How do cucumbers happen? What does "very poorly pollinated cucumber" mean exactly? How can pollination be "uneven"?

This answer to Strange Fruit from Tomato Plant begins: That looks like a poorly pollinated cucumber (the type of distortion on the fruit is exactly what you'd see if pollination were uneven). ...
uhoh's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Why have only the female flowers bloomed in my pumpkin patch

I planted two Giant Atlantic pumpkin plants in my garden around 9 weeks or so ago. The male flowers where the first to show, many of them but haven't bloomed and are quite firm to the touch still. ...
Ross Drew's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Red streaks in Louisiana sweet oranges

We have orange trees that have always produced "orange flesh" oranges. This year a few of the oranges have red streaks in them. Is is possible that this year the flowers were crossed with a blood ...
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10 votes
9 answers

Why does my Goji Berry produce many flowers but never bear fruit?

I have a 4 foot tall Goji Berry plant that has been prolifically producing flowers all year long. None of the flowers ever become fruit. I've witnessed hummingbirds poke into each flower because they ...
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