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Zephirine Drouhin Rose - why are the leaves curling on the new growth?

I planted my Zephirine Drouhin climbing rose about two months ago. The leaves on the new growth are curling. I don’t see any pests. Any help for cause and treatment is appreciated. Thank you.
Kathy J's user avatar
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4 votes
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Purple spots on a common potato plant

A few months ago, after discarding some store bought purple potatoes that had gone old, I managed to grow some nice potato plants. Recently, however, I have been noticing purple blotches on the leaves ...
TheHappyBee's user avatar
2 votes
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My avocado pit split in two

My avocado plant has been growing really well and it's healthy. One problem is that the pit it sprouted from has started getting kinda black and I touched it a bit too hard and it fell off. Also I ...
Don'tStarve Together's user avatar
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What is happening to my chocolate mint plant?

⁷I just got this chocolate mint plant. I repotted it since it was way too big for it's original container. It's been 4 four days and I am noticing black dots on some, not all, leaves. Is it fungal ...
Brooke Swapp's user avatar
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What causes boxwood hedging to lose its leaves in the UK's winter months?

Boxwood is supposed to be an 'ever-green', yet in the UK it's becoming increasingly noticeable over the past few years how they shed their leaves, especially on the top surface, over the winter months ...
John McAndrew's user avatar
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What is the problem with this Arran Pilot potato plant?

I have noticed the following on some leaves on my arran pilot potatoes. Is it frost damage, blight, or something else?
Moz's user avatar
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Philodandron dying - black goo

My philodandron is slowly dying (I created a previous post here, but I lost the access to the account for some reason :/) In the other post I showed how it went from a nice big plant to losing all ...
Paco's user avatar
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Having Various Issues With Multiple Tomato Plants

I'm a beginner backyard gardener and I have been growing vegetables in hydroponic containers for a few years. This is the first time I tried to grow vegetables on the soil (22 pots total) and I'm ...
ReturnTable's user avatar
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Bay tree can't seem to do well

Basically I have a bay tree in a pot and it will sprout new leaves but soon afterwards, (some weeks/months) the leaves will die and go brown. See attached photo. It gets ample sun. I have tried ...
silverdagger's user avatar
3 votes
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Thin Pachysandra = Volutella Blight? How can I fix these areas?

I live in zone 6a (Ohio) and just purchased my first house April 2017. We have had problems with the Pachysandra in the landscaping around the home. It seems to be thinned out and weak in some of ...
justiceorjustus's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to overwater tomatoes growing in a dry climate?

Is it possible to overwater potted tomatoes growing in a dry climate? What are the signs that they are overwatered? Are these tomato plants over-watered? Does it have blight? Is something else wrong, ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Can I use dawn liquid detergent in place of castile soap as a tomato blight remedy?

I have a recipe that calls for 2 tablespoons baking soda, 5 tablespoons vegetable oil, and 1 teaspoon Castile soap. Mix with 2 gallons of water. Spray on tomato plants to control blight. Can I use ...
CARTER's user avatar
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9 votes
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A dark blight is eating my Basil. What to do?

As you can see, the leaves are gradually eaten by some gray/dark dry blight. I have absolutely no idea what it is.
Bar Akiva's user avatar
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8 votes
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Does my mint plant have web blight?

In the pot I see small lumps that look like rocks, but they crush like dirt. Additionally, there's fuzz on the main stem that looks like a spider's web. Finally (what a brown thumb I've got) there's ...
Bronze's user avatar
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7 votes
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What's causing discoloration and spots on my Tomato and Bell Pepper plants?

I had an issue with tomato hornworms. I sprayed my plants with a BT Dipel solution. A few days after I sprayed them, I noticed a change in the plants. I did some research and found that it could be ...
Josiane Ferice's user avatar
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Should I prune fungus-infected vegetable plants or destroy them?

I have some eggplant and tomato plants. My eggplants appear to have some kind of fungus. It's being raining quite a bit in Central, FL; as a result, I think they are infecting the tomato plant too. ...
Josiane Ferice's user avatar
6 votes
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Black spots, curling leaves on potatoes, help identify problem

First, some relevant information: I am growing Yukon Gold potatoes. I am in hardiness zone 6b. The weather over the last month has been dryer than normal for the area I am in (Northeastern US). I ...
NeutronStar's user avatar
6 votes
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How far do potatoes really need to be from tomatoes to prevent disease/blight?

How far do potatoes really need to be from tomatoes? Is ten feet with a row of peas in between sufficient? Also, do sweet potatoes count as potatoes?
Jonathan Wolfe's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it safe to eat tomatoes affected by early blight?

My tomatoes have caught a case of early blight. Is it safe to eat the them? The fruit themselves look fine, but I don't want to feed my family anything that's potentially dangerous.
RubberDuck's user avatar
6 votes
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Tomato blight clear-up

My tomatoes succumbed to blight, and I have now uprooted the mouldy remains of the plants and put them in my council green waste bin. There are currently rotten green tomatoes scattered on the ground ...
slim's user avatar
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4 votes
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Orange tree has pest or blight [duplicate]

A few leaves on my orange tree have this. What is this? What can I do about it?
Kavi Kavi's user avatar
10 votes
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Why is my pear tree dying around the blossoms?

Shortly after the blossoms fell on my pear, areas around the blossoms started to turn black and die. This is spreading. Although the dead areas tend to be on the end of the branches, there are ...
winwaed's user avatar
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How do I control blight in lantanas?

All my Lantanas have this blight on their leaves. What is causing it and how can I cure it?
Bob's user avatar
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