2/15, I did this:
I finally built up the nerve to chop my corn plant and propagate it
Here's the damage:
I am praying I did this right. I followed a video that showed how one guy did it successfully, and I'm hoping it will go that well for me. I dabbed root hormone on the bottom of the cut-off stalks and placed two in dirt, and the rest are in water (so the root hormone probably doesn't matter, but still). I am hoping at least one of these methods works!
The first pic is the original plant, which I hate to see all cut, but I am hoping it's ok.
Is it in the right light? I am trying to find the best spots for them, whether that be indoor or outdoors I don't know yet. The temperature, as far as I know, is ok.
The original stalk + a cutting is starting to yellow...
It might be sun-scorched...I moved it inside for that reason and humidity. Should I spray it with a mister for humidity?
I am so worried...I think I may be overwatering...I will definitely stop & I also will use bottled water in case it's a fluoride issue.
Here's a leaf I pulled off:
The other stalk I moved seems fine, but it's also titled as hell. I am so scared I killed it by propagating/cutting it...Help!
Oh god now it looks burned and yellow in a different way, what's happening?! I can never seem to make it happy. I am moving it to a shadier spot, and I will try and mist it. I stopped watering for a week because I thought I overwatered, but now it looks worse? HELP. Also yes it's a shady spot the exposure on the pictures are just wack.