This plant needs more light, replanted in a slightly larger pot (3 to 4" larger in diameter than it is in right now)...sending you a link you might not have seen. Is this plant somewhere else during the day and resides on this coffee table at night? When you water soak the soil and then allow that soil to dry out before the next watering/soaking.
Please use sterilized bagged potting soil when you up pot. A clay pot (heavier for stability) that is 14 inches in diameter (I am guessing this pot is 10"), has a matching saucer and really you should ask for the 'pot feet'. This raises the pot bottom off the surface and facilitates drainage big time. And looks cool. Just sterilized potting soil in the pot, no rock or gravel at the bottom of the soil and above the drainage hole.Fiddle Leaf care
A little Osmocote 14-14-14 twice per year extended release fertilizer is enough and perfect. This guy won't be hangin' on your coffee table much longer. Bigger pot, pot feet keep it near the light not in the direct sunlight and leave it right there. No drafts...indoors weird air flow of different temperatures that have no rhyme or reason kind of piss this plant off big time. Following a piece on equisetum and silica;
"But although not essential for other monocots and dicots, beneficial effects like increased pest and pathogen resistance, drought and heavy metal tolerance and the quality and yield of agricultural crops have been recognized and thus the still unclear pathways and molecular mechanisms of silicon uptake and deposition have become of research interest (Adatia and Besford 1986; Raven 2003; Richmond and Sussman 2003; Ma 2004; Romero-Aranda et al. 2006). Silica is transported as monosilicic acid from the roots to the terminal regions via the transpiration stream and deposited as amorphous silica gel (SiO2·nH2O) in cell lumens, cell walls, and intercellular spaces or external layers (Hartley and Jones 1972; Raven 1983; Epstein 1994). The surface etc...."