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Questions tagged [honeysuckle]

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3 votes
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Is there a way to make a honeysuckle cover the lower parts of a wall?

I have a few honeysuckles planted in borders and I imagined they’d gradually cover the walls. But now I notice the bulk of their growth is on top while the lower parts remain sparse. Is there a trick ...
retrography's user avatar
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White stuff on the Japanease Honeysuckle

Some white stuff is growing on my honeysuckle, tried looking it up online but I can't figure out what it us or how to cure it. I'm hoping I can rely on your expertise, so any advise or suggestions are ...
DS_UNI's user avatar
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Honeysuckle leaves turning purple, yellow, then dying

I'm in England's South Coast, with a climbing honeysuckle (can't recall exact kind) planted in the back, north-facing garden, against a waist-height east-facing fence. It gets full sun most of the day,...
ChrisD's user avatar
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Why are my newly planted Honeysuckle leaves turning purple/brown?

I am based in London, UK. I have recently acquired a late Dutch Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum 'Serotina'). However, after a few weeks, the leaves have started going slightly purple - I want to ...
Michal Paszkiewicz's user avatar
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Which will produce a neater block of low mass planting, Lonicera pileata or L. nitida?

For massed plantings, with the aim of clipping into a neat ground-covering block 500-600mm high (not a hedge), is Lonicera pileata or L. nitida species superior? What are the best cultivars for this ...
George of all trades's user avatar
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Is the trunk of this honeysuckle in danger of being strangled?

You are looking at a rare specimen of estimated 50 years old honeysuckle: (the honeysuckle is in the foreground; there is a high dark green conifer in the background, but it is not essential for this ...
VividD's user avatar
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Propagating loniceras for beginners

A neighbor of mine have a beautiful lonicera plant that just flowered - this may be the third time this year! He offered to me to take as many cuttings as I wish, and says that I just need to put them ...
VividD's user avatar
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Is it wise to let lonicera grow over a brush pile?

I have a sizable brush pile in my yard, 5m x 5m (16ft x 16ft), height 2m (6.5ft). Even a colony of sparrows lives in it. I toy with the idea of planting a Lonicera caprifolium (https://en.m.wikipedia....
VividD's user avatar
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How can I root honeysuckle in water?

Okay so I've done this a couple times but it never seems to work. I've tried doing it just in water but it died of transplant shock and too little sun. Then I've tried outside in soil (topping soil I ...
Hannahpop102's user avatar
12 votes
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Is growing honeysuckle bad?

Honeysuckle seems to grow abundantly in my neighborhood in Virginia. I have read online about honeysuckle being an invasive species many sites refer to it as a "bad guy". I have considered growing it ...
John's user avatar
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Can someone identify this honeysuckle plant by the flowers?

Click for original picture context Can someone please tell me what type of honeysuckles these are?
elizabeth's user avatar
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9 votes
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Best practices to grow haskap bush: Lonicera caerulea edulis

This honeysuckle with edible fruit is being sold by retailers in my area as the new best thing. After researching them I planted three varieties to get good cross pollination. What experience have ...
kevinskio's user avatar
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