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Why is there white spots on the stems of my tomatoes

Theres a kind of white i guess youd call it a fungus looking stuff growning on a couple of mt tomatoe plants
Gwen's user avatar
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Are purple cherry tomatoes ripe and if not can I pick them and will they ripen off the vine?

I started growing my cherry tomatoes in July, but used a container rather then planting them in the ground. Most of the tomatoes have ripened. But I have a few that are not turning red, but staying ...
Rose Schaer's user avatar
2 votes
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Are synthetic fertilisers necessary in potting plants?

Is it possible to have healthy plants (edible ones) flourishing in pots without the use of synthetic fertilisers? I have concerns regarding fertilisers polluting nearby water sources/soil from ...
Wodin Tiw's user avatar
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Best Vegetable for growing in pots?

I've grown a few different veg over the years including Tomatoes, Green Beans, Peppers, Sweetcorn and a few others. However, they are usually planted in the ground. I'm looking at moving house later ...
Conor's user avatar
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Can vegetable plants do well if planted within the lighted area near a (LED) mercury vapor light?

Due to mobility (and other) issues, I can't just put the veggies I want to grow into the ground. I need them to be at a level which doesn't require bending. In the past, I've used "dead refrigerators" ...
Kathy Renbarger's user avatar
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Building a raised garden on uneven concrete?

I'm new to gardening but would like to get a raised bed started in my NYC backyard. My plans are to build a 2x8 raised bed. I have a spot picked out but I am worried about drainage problems as the ...
ms0925's user avatar
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Is a gabion a good raised planter for a vegetable garden?

I am looking for a raised planter for a vegetable garden -- likely approximately 2'H x 2'W x 8'L. I like the look of a gabion, but I was wondering about its suitability for a vegetable garden compared ...
Slipknot's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Favorite small-scale gardening books for beginners? [closed]

I recently started cultivating a 20'x25' vegetable garden, which is to say, I signed up for a community garden plot and have a few containers for tomatoes on my porch. I don't have any experience ...
elduderino260's user avatar
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3 answers

Tomatoes seem to be stagnating?

I planted 4 tomato plants later in the season (mid June?). I have a 12" raised bed with good soil in it and they get about 10 hours of direct sunlight every day. I water them every other day with ...
Abe Miessler's user avatar
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Cucumber plants wilting and dying outside during a rainy summer

I have several cucumber plants planted outside (I'm in Zone 4). They are planted in large containers or raised garden beds. hey were doing okay until about a week ago when we started having rain ...
Catsunami's user avatar
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Murraya koenigii (Curry leaf plant) root system

I am planning to grow Curry leaf plant in my balcony space using a pot.I would like to know what kind of root system this plant has. I mean to ask is it straight deep inside soil or more branched one? ...
Science123's user avatar
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What are the most essential things to include in a gardening journal?

I am making a web application where people can create journals about their vegetable garden or flower garden. The information that these journals include can then be used by others who live nearby (it ...
Maurice's user avatar
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setting up raised garden beds for spring. what is best mix but affordable?

So I have raised garden beds (not touching the ground) and other garden beds that WILL touch the ground. what is the best mix for BOTH of these beds? most beds will be 3ft x 2ft to 5ft x 3ft I have ...
user2805313's user avatar
1 vote
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Name this plant [closed]

This was in a restaurant's kitchen garden on Whidbey Island, Washington. Can anyone tell me the common name for it?
Christine Robart's user avatar
5 votes
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Cucumber plant turning yellow and babies dying

I live in Los Angeles and am growing cucumbers in a container. My cukes were going like gangbusters until about a week ago, had probably 10 little baby cukes growing, and then my leaves started ...
KPop's user avatar
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6 votes
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Pot size - small & repot, or start large?

I have a few different houseplants. I'm also currently starting a few different vegetables, from seedlings and from seeds. I've been trying to research the best way to grow all of these in containers, ...
filaments's user avatar
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I planted a vegetable but can't remember what it is

I planted a vegetable about a month ago, but I can't remember which veggie it is. Would anyone be able to help me guess the mystery plant? I thought it was either garlic or ginger, but I don't see ...
Elise's user avatar
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Moldy soil, moldy starters, help!

I recently moved to Bombay (Mumbai, India) and the weather is forgiving her so I thought why not! I bought all the organic stuff I could find and made a potting mix- manure + red soil, vermicompost, ...
Nika's user avatar
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8 votes
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of raised vegetable beds?

I'm asking this mainly to learn before I spend money and effort. This year our produce hasn't been good and mainly because of critters. So I was wondering if raised beds will help to keep the critters ...
yasouser's user avatar
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Can all plants grow inside all year round?

I live in an apartment and both the entire south-east and the north-west sides are huge windows, so I have lots of light coming in (I think I have about 6h 40m on the shortest day of the year). I ...
J. Nielsen's user avatar
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What vegetables could I grow in an indoor garden in winter?

I live in a city and love gardening, but have no spare room especially for gardening. I am planning to make a garden on my windowsill. I live in the Netherlands, so outdoor temperatures in winter are -...
Fae's user avatar
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Why are my tomato leaves turning yellow, with brown spots?

This is my first season trying to grow tomatoes. I bought three different types (cherry, heirloom, and super sweet), and planted them in a large pot on my porch. They seem to be getting a lot of ...
Catherine H's user avatar
9 votes
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How do I take over a previous owners raised beds?

My fiancee and I just bought our first home and I'd like to start my journey of vegetable gardening. The previous homeowners have 3 raised beds on the South side of the house. We haven't moved in ...
Justin Helgerson's user avatar
8 votes
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What are the easiest and fastest growing eatable plant you can grow in garden

The criteria I am looking for are : very cheap plant/seed grow very fast give fruits very fast (if the plant gives fruits) can replant from the plant itself (I don't want to buy seeds/plant ever ...
user3147619's user avatar
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Are CFL and Energy Saver bulbs same and used for growing plants?

Sorry for asking a really novice question but I have searched a lot and not found a yes no answer so I am still confused with this! I want to buy CFL bulbs to grow some tomato plants. I have seen ...
Afraz Ali's user avatar
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Spearmint Yield [closed]

would any of you know approximately how much spearmint I could get per plant? I am looking to buy a four tier greenhouse and fill it up completely with spearmint so I am not exactly sure how much the ...
Peter Gramenides's user avatar
5 votes
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How should I grow Moneymaker tomato plants in indoor containers?

A few questions about these moneymaker tomato plants: 1) Is it okay to grow two in a 5-gallon container? 2) Is a homemade bamboo obelisk like the one I am using (see picture) tall enough (it's ...
usumdelphini's user avatar
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What are the best vegetables to grow in containers?

I'm trying to grow some vegetables in the second floor balcony of my house. I am from Sri Lanka. It gets about 5 to 4 hours (some days a bit less) of direct sunlight. What are the best vegetables to ...
THpubs's user avatar
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When planting is it good to use one pot for each plant or one large common pot?

I'm trying to plant some vegetables in my second floor balcony. I have one container for each plant. Is this the best method or should I go for one long common container to plant all of them? What are ...
THpubs's user avatar
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How can I get my fava beans to grow faster and start flowering?

I planted some fava beans in large pots late october. They should be flowering by now, but all I can see is small flower buds, only in a couple of the plants. And it is growing very slowly. What can I ...
Nashwa's user avatar
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What vegetables could be planted in a limited balcony space in a subtropical environment?

I am looking to develop and maintain a small vegetable plot on my unit's balcony, the space available is approximately 2m x 1m (6ft x 3ft). Conditions: Subtropical coastal mining-port town in ...
user avatar
12 votes
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What are some good vegetables for a beginner, and how do I find quality seeds?

I have taken a recent interest in gardening, particularly growing herbs and vegetables. I don't know much, but I'm going to wing it and learn from trial and error. I have a few questions that I ...
Lone Wolf's user avatar
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Would spinach seeds not sprout because they are planted too low in the pot?

So, again being a newb as I am... I planted some spinach seeds in these black plastic pots that I transplanted other plants from. There is a good 3 inches of height in the planter with no soil. It's ...
Becky's user avatar
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Why do the tips of my lettuce leaves look dark/burnt and feel brittle?

I am growing Batavian 'Arianna' lettuce in a container on my balcony. I'm in San Francisco, so it gets some sun, but it's not all day, and it gets a lot of shade too. I noticed that the tips of some ...
Becky's user avatar
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Is a 25cm by 40cm nursery bag big enough for a tomato plant?

I planted a tomato plant in a nursery bag. The bag's dimensions are approximately 25cm diameter and 40cm height. Is this correct or not? My plants have started to give tomatoes (10 tomatoes per plant ...
sakthivel's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it possible to grow bulb onions in a container garden?

I have a rather large balcony and love onions. Is it possible to grow bulb onions in a container? What would the minimum dimensions of a container have to be to grow them? Could they be co-planted ...
lemontwist's user avatar