About a year ago I got this orchid as a present. There are two separate plants in a single pot. They were blooming when I bought them, then bloomed a second time. The larger orchid bloomed first by a few weeks. The pictures are of the third bloom for the smaller orchid. The larger orchid hasn't bloomed a third time, and is instead growing these air roots. It's also tilted quite a bit to the north (I have a N-E corner kitchen with glass block walls, which generates a lot of diffuse light. The shoots tend to point North). The pot has drainage, I water it about once every 7-10 days, adding Orchid fertilizer roughly once a month.
I'm debating splitting them up into two pots, as the air roots and lack of bloom are concerning to me. If that's the way to go, should I wait for the smaller orchid to finish blooming, or am I hurting the larger one in the process?