My phal finished blooming last week, so I am now ready to repot. However, the plant has gotten quite unruly. It's about 5.5" from the soil line to the center of the top leaf, has developed a fairly substantial keiki two leaves up from the base, and has a plethora of roots growing well above the soil.
What's the proper course of action for repotting and/or taming it?
Edit to clarify the current setup and routine: The pot has a layer of pebbles at the bottom to keep the plant from sitting in water. It also has a few pebble between the pot and saucer to keep the pot out of the water.
No white stuff on the top of the soil. Speaking of which the soil is actually a orchid potting mix, Miracle-Gro's I believe, with a little bit of sphagnum moss mixed in to help it retain some water.
It is watered once a week using distilled water with a teaspoon of Better-Gro's Orchid Plus Plant Food (20-14-13) per gallon, as they recommend.
Side A:
Side B, with most of the keiki leaves:
Edit to show off the blooms: