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user22542's user avatar
user22542's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

Name this plant

5 votes

Is that an Elm tree?

4 votes

Help! What is wrong with this Coleus? Overwatered? Underwatered?

4 votes

If a pineapple is actually a berry then can it be grafted onto another berry tree?

4 votes

What tree is it and worth keeping?

4 votes

Cactus is becoming brown from the bottom

3 votes

Flower identifaction please

3 votes

Does anyone know what type of tree this is?

3 votes

What is this all-white insect?

3 votes

Can anyone identify these small orange growths? They're just over an inch long and just appeared in my North Florida backyard

3 votes

What is this fast growing plant?

3 votes

What is this weed with beautiful yellow flowers?

3 votes

Should I prune double "trunk" of orange tree seedling?

2 votes

White spots on cactus

2 votes

What is this purple flowering plant?

2 votes

Could you help me with the name of this plant?

2 votes

Help revive cactus?

2 votes

What are these worms in my peaches?

2 votes

Are these bugs in poinsettia leaves?

2 votes

Is this some fungus?

2 votes

Advice on saving rubber plant

2 votes

Can someone identify this vine for me which seems to be wrapping tightly around many trees?

2 votes

How to care for this plant

2 votes

Please identify this African violet

2 votes

What is this 5 petals blue wildflower?

2 votes

Need help identifing insect(s)

2 votes

Identifying a grassy plant from South Carolina

2 votes

Ficus elastica — Will its leaves uncurl?

2 votes

Can root sprouts from a very old Baldwin apple be from a different rootstock?

2 votes

Moving/trimming 35 year old avocado tree grown from seed