My town recently took down a large 80 year old maple tree that sat on the south side of my house. Unfortunately that tree provided much-needed shade and now I have already noticed very high temperatures in my house.
I would like to plant a replacement tree - but of course it will take a while to grow. I have been contemplating a tulip tree, but perhaps there is a better, fast growing tree.
I spoke with the town arborist - he said they would replace it - but likely with a tree that would grow no more than 12 feet high. He scoffed at my mention of a Tulip tree - but his priorities are not the same as mine - he is concerned for the road asphalt and the power lines - whereas I want my cooling effect. (I would not plant this on the town right-of-way where the other tree was removed - it would be further on my property away form power and the road)
I did find this but am not sure what they mean by "fast". I do have a tulip tree in another part of my property that grows fast, but nothing to compare it to.
This site seems to be good - I might go with a pecan because it has value other than shade.