I have a hydroponic garden in a greenhouse in my yard. Everything was going just great until today when I noticed that one of the 7 or so tomato plants (the biggest one in fact) was looking rather wilted. Upon further examination I noticed some brown ooze coming from the inside! I cut off the top branches where I saw this and continued to notice more and more until I finally removed the entire plant (out of concern for the others).

Does anyone know what could cause this? I want to make sure my other plants are not in danger. I've uploaded some pictures to help diagnose.

My first cut into the plant, notice the browning edges:

My first cut into the plant, notice the browning edges http://a.yfrog.com/img620/5868/2enplp.jpg

These yellow and brown leaves were from the bottom so maybe not a big deal?

yellow and brown leaves were from the bottom http://a.yfrog.com/img614/5237/dqiyp.jpg

The inside of the plant close to the base. ugghhh.

The inside of the plant close to the base. http://a.yfrog.com/img614/3923/u47xo.jpg

1 Answer 1


Sounds like Verticillium wilt.

Verticillium wilt is a soil-borne fungal disease that results in the yellowing, and eventual browning and death of foliage, particularly in branches closest to the soil. The wilt starts as yellow, V-shaped areas that narrow at the leaf margins. These yellow areas grow over time, turn brown, and then the leaf dies. Often, entire branches are infected.

  • based on some research it seems you're right. i'm going to lessen the watering cycles and keep an eye on the other tomatoes. Commented Jun 27, 2011 at 4:11

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