For the last 2 years my (10 yr old) grape vine has developed a disease which I believe to be powdery mildew. Last year I sprayed early with Bayer Fungus Fighter a few times but no improvement. This year I've been spraying very 2 weeks but it's looking even worse than usual at this time. Any thing I can do apart from ripping it out?
The photo is typical of the entire plant. Brown patches on leaf edges, white bloom on new leaves, curling leaves, deformed shape, leaf colour dull green etc.
Background info - location Cotswolds SW England. It's an ornamental vine but don't know specific variety. I bought the house 3 years ago, neighbour reckons vine could be 10 yrs old. It grew vigorously first 2 years but got mildew both years and lost leaves in early August.
Soil by house not great so have added compost, mixed with some miracle grow, to base of plant in mid May and have been watering regularly