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What's happening to the mung bean plant?

I was trying to plant mung bean in a pod. The germination process is simple and quick, but after moving the plant to grow in soil, then something strange happened. At the beginning after moving to ...
Edison's user avatar
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Rust color spots on Tomato Leaves, and Caterpillars

I am getting these spots on tomatoes in my green house. I am in North Carolina so it is really hot. Caterpillars also have been eating the leaves. They mostly like the kale leaves though. How can ...
Paul's user avatar
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Why are my avocado leaves burning at the end?

I have about 5 avocado plants grown from seed stage in containers. 2 are close to 2.5 years old and 3 are about a year or 1.5 years old. The 2 oldest ones are not doing so well but the youngest ones ...
perennial_noob's user avatar