I recently ordered a monstera plant online and the seller mentioned that the plants they send out shouldn't need to be repotted for ~6 months, but when mine arrived, it looked to be root-bound in the pot, with a large root growing out the bottom of one of the nursery pot draingage holes:
When I raised this to the seller, they replied:
the Monsteras we send out wouldn't need repotting for at least six months. We believe the large protruding root is an aerial root, as in their natural habitat Monsteras like to attach themselves to nearby trees etc. If you find this unsightly, you could trim this back.
I just wanted to sanity check this — my understanding of aerial roots is that they would form near the stem or leaf nodes, and send out a shoot, not that they would be growing out the bottom of the soil. There is no sign of any roots growing into the soil from above, for example.
Have I misunderstood what an aerial root is? Could this be an aerial root?
Also, is their advice to cut the root back correct? My inclination would have been that the plant needs potting-up a size.
EDIT: Here's the view from the top — No sign of anything roots from this view, just the stem itself (and wooden stick on the left-hand-side).