I've got a cherry tomato plant that's doing pretty well, but the beefsteak and roma right next to it are having a lot of leaf trouble. They all seem to be fruiting well, but the leaves seem to be burning. I think I've been watering enough (everything else in the same garden is on the same soaker hose and is doing OK - on every 2 days) so my first thought was maybe they are getting a bit too much sun. The soil isn't great though, so lack of fertilizer could also be an issue. Is there a way to tell which? I've just added a light shade to diffuse the harshest afternoon sun to see if that helps.
I'm in the foothills of Colorado, so in the 90s F/30s C for the last several weeks with basically full sun every day and low humidity. The soil is also sandy and not great, though I've got these in a raised bed with drainage and some added compost and vegetable fertilizer.
This picture is the beefsteak, which has a really bad section but the rest isn't too bad. The roma has a lot more fruit, but about half the leaves have a yellow/brown 'burn' around the edges.