There's a shrub planted in the corner of my property, that the previous owner put there to help mask the utility pole behind it. I kind of like this idea, but there is another plant growing in the same spot. I feel like the shrub would be healthier, fuller, and overall better-looking, if I removed it.
The problem is I i'm not sure how to effectively remove one plant without harming the other. Is this even possible? If you look at the closeup below, you can see the trunks - I want to keep the larger plant with the chunky-looking bark, and get rid of the smaller plant with smooth bark.
I've had some success killing hackberry saplings in my back yard by cutting them near grade with lopping shears and painting the top with glyphosate, but I'm afraid that if I do that, it could enter the root system of the larger shrub. Is that an actual possibility, or will the glyphosate remain only in the target plant? If not, how should I go about this?