I planted some fruit seeds last year, but I cannot recall whether they were mangosteen, pomelo, pomegranate, plum or something else.

I tried to compare the leaves of against some online images but I am still confused as what this seedling could be.

Click on photo for full size
Tropical Fruit Seedling

  • Are the species you mentioned the only ones you planted?
    – J. Musser
    Commented Jul 11, 2014 at 1:04
  • Yep, they are the only seeds I could have planted in that particular area. I am not sure if the Australian pomelo is meant to look different to the Chinese pomelo. I have grown the Chinese pomelo in China many years ago, and it definitely does not look like this. However, when I scrunch up the leaves, it has a citrus smell.
    – user60000
    Commented Jul 11, 2014 at 4:22

1 Answer 1


There is a possibility that this is a pomegranate seedling. If it's not that, it must be something you didn't plant.

This does not readily appear to be any of the fruits listed in your question. It may be pomegranate, if the leaves are extremely sub-opposite. The leaf shape, margin, color, size, and pubescence fit with pomegranate. It could be a weed, or a volunteer species that you didn't mean to plant, or may have been planted by something else.

Here are the major points on why this isn't on the list you gave:

  • I have a Pomelo seedling at home right now, and the winged petioles are not there. I am certain it is a Pomelo seedling, because those are the only seeds I planted. I suspect the petioles develop when the plant is a bit more mature, so I wouldn't rule that one out. My seedling only has 4 leaves at this point, so I can't really compare to the seedling in the pic above otherwise.
    – michelle
    Commented Jul 23, 2014 at 17:09
  • @michelle can you post a link to a pic of your seedling?
    – J. Musser
    Commented Aug 9, 2014 at 2:21
  • Yes! Actually, I just noticed that its newest leaf has developed the wing. How exciting! As you can see from the photo, the first 4 leaves had no wings. The OPs plant has far more leaves than mine, so I'd concur - not a pomelo. flic.kr/p/oFi5mT
    – michelle
    Commented Aug 11, 2014 at 16:56
  • 1
    @michelle Thank you. Nice lookin' plant. I was also thinking that it isn't pomelo. I think it might be pomegranate.
    – J. Musser
    Commented Aug 12, 2014 at 13:41

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