I know that in real life worms will eat both fresh and dry leaves at night or when it rains.
I am not putting earthworms in the soil yet but I will soon.
I am trying earthworms and mix of old and new soil to improve the growth of my maples both in speed and duration.
The new soil has more nutrients than the old soil. Leaves and fruit and vegetable scraps will improve this more. But worms can turn leaves and food scraps into compost in their digestive systems.
So I think that maybe adding fruit and veggie scraps periodically to the soil will help both the worms and the trees. I am not all that worried about earthworms eating roots because it isn't a main part of their diet.
The ravine has maples, elms, and oaks. I am thinking that fresh leaves would be best but that means either one of these 3 things:
1) Pick leaves off trees(which I wouldn't do)
2) Wait for falling branches and then pick the leaves off(This I think would be best)
3) Wait for leaves to fall(that is until summer, fall, and the beginning of winter)
I am expecting to see maple seeds soon since the maple trees are getting their leaves and I always see seeds soon after I see leaves when it comes to maples.
So I was thinking of putting earthworms into the soil after I move the pot to on top of the hot tub(this area gets the most sunlight overall and the most rain so I don't have to water them as much during the first year and only really during dry parts of summer from then on. They also will produce the most nutrients for bark production and winter survival here) and plant a maple seed and give it a deep watering.
Then I figured that maybe once a week or once a month I will give food to the worms. Since they are true hermaphrodites I don't have to worry about telling male and female worms apart because regardless, I am going to get baby worms to aerate the soil even more and produce new soil faster.
Anyway, should I give them fresh leaves from this year off of fallen branches or dry leaves from last year's fall as a staple food(since I might not always have fruit and veggie scraps for worms)?
And how many worms do you think I should start with? I am thinking maybe 2-10 but I don't know for sure.
My pot is in the shape of a truncated cone and is about 1 foot wide at the base and 1.5-2 ft wide at the top in case you need those dimensions. It is also about 1.5-2 ft tall.