I have this wacky idea to plant Purslane instead of grass in my desert yard (zone 7a, 9 inches of rain annually). I'm not keen on having high-maintenance turf; the only grass in the running against the Purslane idea is Curly Mesquite grass, which I've read can grow on 5 inches. But I like the idea of Purslane instead because since it's a weed, it will more or less grow on its own, and it's edible! I think it's delicious and love the idea of being able to graze on my own lawn. The seeds are also available dirt cheap.
But Purslane is an annual and I worry about how the yard will look after it dies and before it re-grows the next year. Is this a legitimate worry? And if I carpet a whole area with it, will it reliably re-seed itself for the next year?