I have read that certain house plants should be watered with soft water. I would like to know if this applies to all house plants and what consequences would be visible when watering with hard water vs soft water.
I always use hard water just because it would be difficult to obtain soft water, even buying it since I live on a limited income and do not feel justified with an extra expense.
Most of my plants seem to be healthy and growing even with the hard water. Is the 'soft water' watering a recent suggestion? (recent as in the last 20 years of so?)
An example of a similar situation would be drinking bottled water vs tap water. It is a recent trend, there are articles that properly prepared tap water is better than bottle water, since bottle water filters out some trace minerals that the body needs, plus the plastic bottles are an environment issue and legal issue concerning water rights to lakes and streams. So the recent trend of bottled water vs tap water may be a contrived issue.
Is hard water vs soft water a similar situation? If not, what makes it not and why is it considered important?
Thank you for all the responses, all very informative and extremely helpful.