I have 3 raised beds in a small 30 m2 greenhouse, this is the first year I have it so I don't have much experience. I've been reading about crop rotation, and was wondering why you can't or shouldn't plant the same crop every year. Can't you just rotate the crop each season?
For example, in one bed, I have 16 plants of tomatoes, plus some radishes and arugula in another row that I didn't harvest so I can get some seeds. Lets say when the plants stop producing and start dying, I plant (just an example) some onions, garlic, or whatever would grow well here in the autumn/winter season (pretty dry but not too cold).
I would also add a few cubic meters of compost before spring. And btw, the raised beds are on top of the native soil. I made the retaining walls with wood and filled them with the same soil I got from leveling the terrain, plus about 1/5 of compost. There's no separation or insulation on the bottom.
Wouldn't this already help produce a healthier/more fertile soil since I already rotated the crops on winter plus amended the soil with compost?
I'm asking this because the tomatoes bed seems to be perfect for them. They are growing so big and have a lot of fruit, the other two beds receive a bit more shade so I don't want to end up with a bad tomatoes crop next year if I move them to a different location.