In a container gardening situation without soil to bury Bokashi pickled/composted kitchen waste, it seems viable to add to a tumble composter.

What is an accurate method to compute C:N of Bokashi?

Assume for this question that the Bokashi method is Commercial off-the-shelf style anaerobic indoor bucket-system, with the bucket processed through until completion of the Bokashi pickling/composting anaerobic process.

Assume if answering C:N rather that computation method: 1) Mixed high protein (meat/dairy) and normal vegetation kitchen scraps 2) Normal vegetation kitchen scraps only 3) High protein (meat/dairy) only

  • I've tried to increase the precision by asking for either a computation method, or three chief scenarios with the COTS bucket anaerobic indoors systems. Commented Dec 21, 2014 at 5:13
  • 1
    My Spanish isn't very good, but I think that in this article they are saying that in one experiment they found 24:1 and in another 20:1
    – THelper
    Commented Dec 21, 2014 at 21:16
  • Normally I try to wait a little bit before accepting to allow other people a chance. Thanks for the reminder. I'll delete this comment in a couple of days (or when I get around to it). Commented Feb 11, 2015 at 7:55

1 Answer 1


This isn't the easiest process in the world, but you can do it. Personally, I'd call up a lab and ask if they could test it for me. Other than that, you would have to use something like a combustion process, like a CHN analyzer such as this one (expensive), or use a mass spectrometer to ionize and separate the material, like this one (even more expensive).

In short, not very practical.

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