I'm starting to prepare my gardening year and I'm wondering what the most efficient and organic way is to protect strawberries from birds and slugs.
I'm not at all against sharing a part of my fruit with the wild-life in my garden, but last year it was more like they have shared some 20 per cent with me.
For birds I was thinking about some meshed-cover but I'm worried that this will stop insects from doing their job because they won't be able to see the flowers.
For slugs I had the impression that wood-ash was blocking them. I sprinkled some ash over the bed in April and the first slugs only appeared in June.
EDIT: It worked. I built a wooden frame over which I stretched a 1.5x1.5cm meshed net in a way that a bird should be able rebound - insect could get inside doing their job.
Regarding the slugs I tried to put large garden snails inside because I was told they are eating the eggs of slugs. Maybe works a little bit... Also I planted shallots between the - which seemed to have no effect.
EDIT 2: The shallots have an impact which is that the slugs seems to prefer their leaves instead of the strawberry fruits.