I am looking for a plant recommendation for a home office. I would like it to be 'interesting' - which rules out most of the typical office plants like spider plants, mother-in-law's tongue, etc.
The location is a north facing window. This is Texas so outside light is fairly bright, but of course north isn't direct.
I have a thermometer/humidity meter, so the temperature is usually 80-82F but can range from about 70F (when I have the window open) up to about 85F.
With a/c and computers the humidity is low. As I type this it is 31% - no doubt it will go up with tonight's rain. Over winter it was below 20% for an extended period.
A local nursery has some nice hibiscus but from what I've read, the dry air would be a problem.
I have a small grow lamp if need be.
As I type this, I've just thought of trying my hand at cacti again. I've had mixed results with indoor types in the past though - usually because you don't know they're sick/stressed until it is too late.