See here for question about what I should have done at the time: What to do (immediately) with a waterlogged pot plant?
What should I do now, given that I suspect that I've created a plant pot that drains poorly?
I recently repotted a bunch of house plants (Edit: 2 pelargoniums & some mint) into larger pots, with new compost.
I mixed into the compost some water-retention crystals - the kind that absorb loads of water and can then release that water gradually. I did this because I struggle with under-watering the plants and was hoping that this would result in the dampness of the soil being more stable over time.
A) If this was a terrible idea from the get-go let me know :)
Perhaps I mis-judged the amount of crystals, or perhaps it was an error to soak the crystal-enhanced pots like I do for the rest of my plants, but the upshot was that the pots became extremely wet for a long period - I would say waterlogged.
There was water seeping out of the pot into the saucer for 2-3 days (which I would regularly empty), and the surface of the soil was definitely wet to the touch. I then didn't water the pot for a week and a half, and left the plant outside on a South-East facing balcony for a very hot(23-27 degrees) and sunny week. and by the end of that week and a half, the soil is still not particularly dry (although it is at least not actively WET now).
I perceive that the plants definitely suffered from this - several (though not all) of the leaves very suddenly went extremely pale and then died, other leaves have gained a pale halo around their edge, and for the 3-4 days after I did this, the plants appeared to wilt (as though I'd UNDER-watered them) though it has now recovered.
I have multiple questions, so the above set up has been duplicated on multiple posts, but my question here is ...
The leaf-death appears to have stopped now (I've removed the dying/dead leaves and the rest seem OK), and at least one of the plants looks reasonably healthy now (it's opened up new flower heads)
This makes me wonder whether I should just leave it as it is, and be careful not to over water it in future.
B) What should I have do now, given that I'm in this situation?