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Colin Beckingham's user avatar
Colin Beckingham
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

Why don't people cultivate sarana (Kamchatka Lily)?

3 votes

Can someone identify this plant/flower?

3 votes

Is it time to prune this Chrysanthemum?

3 votes

How close to space sweet basil?

3 votes

17 year old Ficus suddenly dries up and loses all leaves?

3 votes

Can I grow an apple tree by planting an apple from a nearby tree?

3 votes

How do I stop woodpeckers from killing my beloved apple tree?

3 votes

Can I start fuchsias from root cuttings?

3 votes

Why do my Chili pepper's leaves curl

3 votes

Can maincrop potatoes grow in soil-less environment?

3 votes

Potential drainage issue?

3 votes

What kind of flowers are these seeds from?

3 votes

What is this plant with narrow serrated leaves and 5-petaled pink flowers on a water's edge in North Carolina?

3 votes

Succulent with thorny stems and orange four-petaled flowers

3 votes

Name of this indoor Plant

3 votes

Dark beads, sometimes transparent, along core of clementine from overseas

3 votes

Train Parthenocissus quinquefolia as ground cover - possible?

3 votes

Is there a plant whose odour repels wasps, but doesn't repel bees?

3 votes

Identify plant with white flowers and prickly fruit

3 votes

Privacy Trees - Keeping alive

3 votes

What is this succulent's name?

3 votes

Are there species that thrive in non-draining pots?

3 votes

Is this my Bee Balm or just a weed?

3 votes

Lawn care: bagging vs mulching the grass clippings?

3 votes

What is this 5 petals blue wildflower?

3 votes

Can I use nettle for mulching?

3 votes

Unhealthy plant with dark spots on leaves

3 votes

What to do with my baby pineapple: Parenting 101

3 votes

What illness/pest has this dipladenia and what to do with it?

3 votes

Interestingly deformed protea flower

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