3 votes

I need help identifying volunteer vegetable plant from compost

It very much looks like a pepper to me. Leaf shape, leaf color. Plant habit. Everything. If there's a reason you don't think it's a pepper, feel free to let me know!
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
2 votes

Mix topsoil with compost for vegetable garden

Yes, that is OK. Joe the Gardener uses 50% top soil, 40% compost, and 10% "other amendments" for raised garden beds. Unfortunately though, 'top soil' and 'compost' can be a little vague, ...
MackM's user avatar
  • 697
2 votes

Convert yard with grass into vegetable garden

The problem with "I want to plant immediately" is that the grass and roots need time to break down, and while they will ultimately provide nutrients (when broken down) they tie up a good ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
  • 23.8k
1 vote

Soil testing for new gardener

It depends on what you plan to do in the soil. For food growing purposes; agricultural extension services will provide you with the necessary facilities to test for available nutrients and plan your ...
Hannes Wiese's user avatar

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