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6 votes

Think this rooted?

Looks like your plant has gone through a rough path. It has not one but multiple issues. It is definitely under stress. The leaves are dried and curling which shows that lack of humidity. If there ...
Piyush Khatri's user avatar
6 votes

Is my Lemon Tree Dead as a Dodo?

The only way you'll ever know is by scratching the bark. If it's green, congrats it's alive. Else, yes it's dead as a dodo (by the look of it, it probably is).
Jayparth's user avatar
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4 votes

Date palm not growing

is it a old desert say: "plant a date palm, so your sons will see the fruits from it"? So: it is a very very slow-growing plant. My experience on a green house is similar (and a green house ...
Giacomo Catenazzi's user avatar
4 votes

I want Arborvitae tree grow horizontally just over the fence, not starting from the ground, how to prune it?

Arborvitae trees are used to create living walls, by planting lots of them close together. They grow tall. Pruning lower branches will not make any tree grow horizontally. Pruning the growing tip ...
Rohit Gupta's user avatar
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What is this tree where flowers grow on the main branches?

This is definitely a Judas-Tree, rather known as Cercis siliquastrum in the Family Fabaceae Cercis siliquastrum , commonly known as the Judas tree or Judas-tree, is a small deciduous tree in the ...
Arrow's user avatar
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New shoots on spruce trees with photo

Most coniferous evergreens have new shoots from the branches and top every year. That's how they grow. New growth from the trunk where it's heavily shaded by the top branches is unusual, but not ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
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4 votes

Olive tree suckers but no top growth at all

Removing dead parts of a tree or any plant won't cause distress to the plant, so yes you can cut down the dead trunk. If your olive tree was grafted though, the rootstock growth may not be the same ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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4 votes

Prune my Maple tree

The branch that has split off needs to be removed. You can't save it. The normal method is to cut a notch from below, then cut it from top. Otherwise the weight of the branch will tear down a gash on ...
Rohit Gupta's user avatar
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3 votes

Drying out of half of a norfolk island pine?

Norfolk Island pines are widely sold but not an easy plant to keep looking good in many homes. They prefer to grow in bright indirect sunlight where it is moist and cool which is unlike many homes. ...
kevinskio's user avatar
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3 votes

Cherry tree has low shoots off of trunk

I suspect that those low branches are coming from the trunk below a graft, which is a relatively common occurrence (many fruit trees are "dwarfed" via grafting). The tree onto which a fruit ...
Jurp's user avatar
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3 votes

Plants near bonsai

My bonsais always accumulate weed seedlings (like yours is). I pinch off any which visually jar with the tree. This selects for moss and other little weeds which make a nice "forest floor". ...
Woody's user avatar
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3 votes

How to straighten a bent tree trunk that occurs near the root

It's where it's been grafted. Just leave it alone. Here's some advice about how to properly stake a tree.
Peter4075's user avatar
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Ants on my lemon tree

Ants are going to the lemon tree to harvest the sap from aphids. Get rid of the aphids and the ants will go elsewhere. Soap and water mixed at a rate of 5 ml soap to 1 liter of water and sprayed on ...
kevinskio's user avatar
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3 votes

Pecan trees growing from Roots

If I understand your question correctly, what you are doing should result in one of 2 things: New growth from the rootstock A dead plant Without knowing what rootstock was used for your pecan trees, ...
MTManCH's user avatar
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3 votes

Oak Identification Ironwood MI,

You're right in that it's either a Red or Pin Oak. If it has poor fall color, then it's a pin oak; if reddish for more than a few days, then red oak. It looks to me like it was one of a pair, with one ...
Jurp's user avatar
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3 votes

Didn't dig a wide enough hole for a tree sapling. How do I fix?

It depends a bit on the kind of soil you have. In a rather compact and dense environment, the wide hole is important because otherwise the tree can find itself sitting in what’s essentially a “pot” ...
Stephie's user avatar
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3 votes

Are my trees dead?

To quote from the RHS here: Scratch the bark (the “scratch test”) on the shoots of your trees or shrub with your thumb nail or a penknife. A stem with green under the bark is alive; a stem with brown ...
Peter4075's user avatar
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Should there really be a gap between mulch and tree trunks?

According to this site, there is no scientific evidence to support the theory that placing wood chips against a tree harms it. See points 9 and 10 of this post for clarification. This goes against ...
Jurp's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I get oxygen to my tree roots that are coming out of the ground?

The actual oxygen exchange is happening at the root hairs, not the entire body of the root. Any root substantial enough to interrupt your mowing is structural, supporting fine root hairs further down....
MackM's user avatar
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How to help lemon tree damaged in a hail storm?

I am sorry to hear about your plant. Here are a few things that you can do to help in your plant recovery: 1. Secure the plant, During the time of recovery, place the plant in a place where there is ...
App-Plantora's user avatar
2 votes

Where can I plant with septic?

It's not weird to want to know where the septic is -- the holding tank, the pipes, and the leach field if there is one. You should not plant trees over any of this. The roots can damage this important ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I keep my olive tree from sending up shoots?

Trim the suckers or shoots as close to ground and tree trunk as you can. This is a regular job. Especially in spring and summer.
Steve's user avatar
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2 votes

Letting a sucker replace a dead tree

For what it is worth, I have encountered similar problems with a long row of planted tulip trees as well as sycamore trees planted along a pond. After removing the dead wood, I generally let three ...
John's user avatar
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2 votes

Hawaiian palm tree. Scale or something else?

First of all, that's not a palm, that's a Plumeria I believe. They were introduced to Hawaii. All parts of the plumeria are considered toxic and the sap itself has a propensity to cause rash in ...
LazyReader's user avatar
2 votes

Cherry tree has low shoots off of trunk

To divert this tree's resources away from those lower, trunk branches and instead towards the crown and upward growth, you do have to prune off the low branches. I would even recommend trimming them ...
OllieVet's user avatar
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What is the most valuable tree here?

If you aren't engaging in actual agriculture, a tree's 'economic value' doesn't make much sense to me. Economic value is what the tree would be worth to other people, and who cares about them? The ...
MackM's user avatar
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What is the best species of grass to grow around a black walnut tree

In Minnesota , I grew Perennial Rey grass , Kentucky Blue grass and Tall Fescue, this worked real well together. I planted it in late September. this combination has covered all the bare spots in the ...
Brian Greenhalge's user avatar
2 votes

What's wrong with this tree?

I Don't think that it's a Madrone, the emerging shoots of madrones are reddish-pink in colour. These are rather green. If you've sought after it's berries, and they look like madrones- it more likely ...
Jayparth's user avatar
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Camellia (Camellia-Little-Leanne) loosing leaves after fertilising it

Camelia don't like full sun, but full to part shade. Yours is burning in the sun and is crying to be moved. If moving it, roots are invariably lost. To compensate for fewer roots, prune heavily and ...
Yosef Baskin's user avatar
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How can I shape a Rocky Mountain Glow Maple to be more round?

Do not attempt - the tree is genetically programmed, if you will, to always grow in an upright pyramidal form. Topping it, which you're suggesting, will result in a large number of possible leaders, ...
Jurp's user avatar
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