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28 votes

Do potatoes produce seeds that you can store and/or replant?

Most potatoes, as far as I know, have the ability to flower and set fruit. The fruits, known as berries, are small green globes reminiscent of tomatoes, which makes sense seeing as how they're in the ...
Jurp's user avatar
  • 20.1k
14 votes

Do vegetable seeds have a shelf life?

Yes, all seeds have an average "life span", but the length varies between species and is greatly influenced by storage conditions like temperature, humidity and light. As a rule of thumb, dry, cool ...
Stephie's user avatar
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13 votes

What are these small brown curved seeds?

They look like Lunaria (Money Plant) seeds to me. They could be one of many other species, but I'd bet on Money Plant. They're often traded because of their easy culture and their novelty factor. You ...
Brenn's user avatar
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13 votes

Do potatoes produce seeds that you can store and/or replant?

The tubers that are used for "seed potatoes" are grown and harvested exactly the same way as other potatoes, except for one thing. Like other members of the same plant family (e.g. tomatoes),...
alephzero's user avatar
  • 11.5k
11 votes

What does soaking hot pepper seeds in weak tea accomplish?

The aim of it is to mimic the action of a bird's intestines prior to pooing out the seed - many seeds which pass through a bird's digestive system germinate more readily, because the outer coating of ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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11 votes

If I save seeds from sweet million cherry tomatoes will I get more sweet million tomatoes

Sweet Million are an F1 variety, so will not come true. Seeds saved from their first year may grow what are known as F2 types, which may be quite close to the original F1 Sweet Million, but any seed ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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10 votes

What to do with 250 seeds!

Seed lasts quite a while. It is said at least 30 percent of your seed is non viable the next year but I've seen maybe 10 percent or really normal germination. Keep your excess seed in the dark, ...
stormy's user avatar
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10 votes

Large seed pod from Mediterranean region - identification

Looks a lot like a Jacaranda seed pod. Image from wikimedia. Looks like Jacaranda is native to Malta, and at least grows in Cyprus. It's also common in the San Francisco area.
Wayfaring Stranger's user avatar
8 votes

How to make curly parsley produce seeds?

Parsley is an umbellifer and a biennial. This says that the flowers are produced in umbrella-like clusters and its growth takes two years to complete; in the first year it focuses on growing a solid ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar
8 votes

What is this brown seed pod found under a large evergreen tree?

This is Casuarina equisetifolia or "Australian Pine". It's an invasive species from Australia. See Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Here's a nice anecdote by someone else who was ...
Brenn's user avatar
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8 votes

What is this brown, 4-pointed seed pod?

These are seeds from Trapa natans or "Water Caltrop" or "European Water Chestnut". You're good at finding invasive plant seeds! :)
Brenn's user avatar
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8 votes

Help identifying fern-like plant

I think it could be a baby conifer tree. Those seem to have multiple bright green cotelydons and look sort of like that. I found a couple of pictures on the internet that didn't look exactly like the ...
Lorel C.'s user avatar
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8 votes

Is there a difference between seeds that are for planting vs sprouting? If so, what are they?

There is a difference, which is that typically the vegetable garden planting packet variety of seeds are selection is controlled. Plant vendors grow specific varieties of plants to be sold in food ...
CloneZero's user avatar
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8 votes

How should I store wildflower seeds embedded in a piece of cotton, for several months before planting?

What a nice gesture of this animal hospital, sorry to hear about your loss. The best way to keep these seeds is in a dry and cool environment. So not in the fridge (too much moist), and not above the ...
benn's user avatar
  • 13.2k
8 votes

Can maize reproduce itself without human help?

Domestic corn or maize needs humans to be successful From "Corn vs. Maize, What’s the Difference?" What’s the difference between corn and maize? Not much! Corn and ...
David D's user avatar
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7 votes

Should I cut the top off of this bolting lettuce?

Bolting in the fall is the normal time for lettuce to go to seed. To gather seed is a bigger more complicated task. If you didn't purchase viable seed or if that seed is GMO just will not work at ...
stormy's user avatar
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7 votes

Should I cut the top off of this bolting lettuce?

Taste it. Usually when lettuce bolts it's time to pull the plant, as it turns horribly bitter. If you like bitter lettuce that may not be a problem for you. It commonly happens as the weather heats up ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
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6 votes

What is this plant/seedling growing from hard, oval, mottled-brown seeds?

That's a castor bean, Ricinus communis. Seeds. If you have winter, they'll grow 10-14' (3-3.5 meters) in a year, with nice ball shaped flowers/seed pods. In regions without winter, they can grow to ...
Wayfaring Stranger's user avatar
6 votes

Should I cut the top off of this bolting lettuce?

Unless you are interested in harvesting seeds, it makes sense to cut off the top. I had to do that for my lettuce as well. I also noted that the leaves from the lettuce started tasting bitter right ...
JStorage's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a difference between seeds that are for planting vs sprouting? If so, what are they?

There are specific radish varieties they have for sprouting (whether or not seeds sold as sprouting radishes are always varieties specific for sprouting; from CloneZero's answer it sounds like they're ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
6 votes

How long do sunflower seeds stay viable?

According to this temperate climate permaculture site, they stay viable for 5 to 7 years. It lists the viability of a number of kinds of seeds, and I recognize the lengths stated for some seeds as ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
6 votes

Planting yucca seed sprouts

They look fine. Roots will find its way down automatically via gravity, let nature take its course. The cotyledons (first leaves) will open soon. Nice that you have seeds from Yucca, most people use ...
benn's user avatar
  • 13.2k
5 votes

Is it worth paying the extra for F1 hybrid seeds?

Let me explain some pros and cons of F1 hybrids, and pros and cons of open-pollinated varieties. Pros of commercial F1 hybrids: They are supposed to be at least as productive as the most productive ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
5 votes

ID this Korean Roadside Plant by it's Tiny Seeds (Possibly Edible)

After some thought, I'd like to suggest that these are Oenothera biennis (Evening Primrose) seeds. It is most certainly not a Cassia as Cassia belongs to a Family of plants that have pea-like pods. ...
Brenn's user avatar
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5 votes

What is this winged seed that resembles Maple/Acer?

It might be Tipuana tipu - its a South American tree, a member of the Fabaceae or legume family, widely planted in warmer regions of the world. Scroll down this link, under 'Helicopters (whirlibirds)':...
Bamboo's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the best way to grow lowbush blueberries from seed?

I am not entirely sure what you mean by a rock garden - blueberries prefer acidic soil conditions and plenty of sun, so if the rock garden has plenty of good soil which is acidic and in sun, they ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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5 votes

Did I use enough grass seed on my new lawn?

Eleven days your grass should be a bit more lush than what I see. 11 days it should be needing its virgin mow. This lawn needs another week. What has the weather been like, where is it you live? ...
stormy's user avatar
  • 40.5k
5 votes

Can I grow lemon cucumbers in my area, Southeast VA, zone8? Pic incl'd

I don't see why you couldn't. Where I live, it's USDA zone 8a and my parents always grew them. I never thought of them as rare but few people knew what they were. I'd say they're more akin in flavour ...
Jude's user avatar
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5 votes

Sowing Tiny Seeds

I don't have experience with these hand seeders as I just found them after I planted my garden this year, but thought I'd pass it on. There is this one from Park Seeds and one similar to it onAmazon ...
Bob's user avatar
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