11 votes

Will succulent leaves grow back?

Whether it lives or dies, there is no way it will grow back into something that looks nice as a "gift" in ten days, so start looking for another present to give your friend! Your guess that ...
alephzero's user avatar
  • 11.4k
5 votes

How to prune chili plants to help recover from transplant shock

Pruning a plant suffering from transplant shock is often a good idea. If your plant is recovering, I wouldn't worry about it too much, though. Just prune according to normal guidelines for peppers. ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
2 votes

Kentia palm leaves turn brown

I see two things in the picture that you could provide more details on: the small white spots on the dying frond look like an armoured scale or possibly mealybug the dying area (necrotic in plant ...
kevinskio's user avatar
  • 59.6k
2 votes

Will flattened hostas recover and regrow?

Depends how long the ply and soil are sitting on top of the hostas - if its just a short period (2-3 months), they'll be fine, though they may have disappeared or look terrible when uncovered again. ...
Bamboo's user avatar
  • 133k
2 votes

How can I help my succulent?

I've had the same Haworthia for over 10 years now. During that time I have: Overwatered Underwatered Put it into too large a pot, which led to root rot Dumped the rotted plant out onto a garden bed ...
Jurp's user avatar
  • 19.2k
2 votes

How can I help my succulent?

I think you went a bit too extreme to the other side ;) dry tips often indicate either sun damage or underwatering. Move it to a shadier place and water it. ps. a sign of overwatering would be ...
LorDex's user avatar
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2 votes

How should I deal with my willow tree that has been butchered by the council?

We, own a willow. Every 2 years we pollard it back in winter when it is sleeping. A month or two it shows signs of sprouting again. By late February, beginning of March it's sprouting with leaves. ...
Maureen Burge's user avatar
2 votes

Slip left in water to take root for too long

Look carefully at the join of the one leaf stalk and the stem. If there is a sign of growth in there then you may be in luck. With your rooted leaf in a moist planting compost, trim off what is ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar
2 votes

Calla - recover from root rot

The remaining roots look white and sturdy, however the rhizome on the right side looks a different colour to the rest on the left side. Only you can say if it is less viable than the lighter section (...
Nikki's user avatar
  • 685
1 vote

Will succulent leaves grow back?

It's dead. Throw it away and get another gift (not plant or animal) for your friend.
Suzanne miller's user avatar
1 vote

What am I doing wrong with my camelia?

One definite problem is the aspect - east facing, together with exposure to winds which are likely cold from December through to spring are conditions almost guaranteed to cause bud drop, leaf burn ...
Bamboo's user avatar
  • 133k
1 vote

Can I save this Northfork Pine?

Usually when a Norfolk Island Pine branch tips start curling like that it indicates that at some time the root ball became too dry. If the foliage becomes crispy then it went too far into dryness, ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar
1 vote

What must I do to save this kalanchoe?

I'm guessing it needs fertilizer. Woody stems are said to be a sign of potassium deficiency. If the leaves are dull, it probably also needs more nitrogen. If the leaves are purple, it probably needs ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
1 vote

Saving a Tree With Frost Damage

I don't think frost will damage it. I noticed that on spring the Redwood tend to brownish, but later in end spring it will return green (blue green at the beginning).
Giacomo Catenazzi's user avatar

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