2 votes

how is my avocado?

You should transplant it as soon as you can. It is a tree, so it will not look like a bush. When you plant it, ensure that you have a good strong stake next to it and tie the plant to it. For ...
Rohit Gupta's user avatar
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When and how should a wisteria be pruned?

You can pretty much prune wisteria any time of year. However the best time to prune is when they are dormant just before they leaf out. In the PNW that is early April. You can also cut out the rotted ...
Scott Gould's user avatar
1 vote

how is my avocado?

In general, avocados - left to their own devices will grow very tall (think 10-20 meters tall). In order to encourage them to grow outwards and not up, you need to cut off the main branch. Typically ...
davidgo's user avatar
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My Poor Wounded Willow

Most likely they will survive and sprout a bunch of new sub-branches near the cut ends.
Ecnerwal's user avatar
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