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8 votes

How to make curly parsley produce seeds?

Parsley is an umbellifer and a biennial. This says that the flowers are produced in umbrella-like clusters and its growth takes two years to complete; in the first year it focuses on growing a solid ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar
4 votes

Is something wrong with my plants?

Rosemary looks over watered, you are correct that the roots may have some rot. They are great at being "left alone". If you are leaving them alone, sometimes the use of gardening soil instead or ...
Christy B.'s user avatar
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How to make curly parsley produce seeds?

Parsley, like many garden vegetable, are biennial plants, so one year they will produce the green and the second year they will produce flowers and seed (usually greens in second year are not so tasty)...
Giacomo Catenazzi's user avatar
4 votes

Parsley looks sick, how do I water & care for Parsley?

You have two problems that are at play here, actually aggravating each other. First, etiolation - lack of light and the side effects. We discussed this before in your other question. Second, those ...
Stephie's user avatar
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Parsley leaves losing colour/ white spots

My parsley goes like this after it has had an attack of greenfly, probably because they suck the sap out of the plant. I usually treat it with a biological spray, cut off the affected leaves and stems ...
Gardenwitch's user avatar
2 votes

Can I take cuttings out of a second year parsley plant and plant it as new?

It should work if you take your cutting from stems without flowers. Also, not all cuttings of parsley mature to grow roots, so take several cuttings, and place them in clear water. Take care to snip ...
joy's user avatar
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What is wrong with my parsley? (in flowerpot, leaves dying - first dots then entire ones)

While I've never seen them attack parsley personally (especially indoors), the damage looks just like damage from leafhoppers (e.g. variegated grape leafhoppers) or thrips. If you disturb the plants ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
1 vote

What is wrong with my parsley? (in flowerpot, leaves dying - first dots then entire ones)

The strange mosaic-like patterning puts me in mind of a virus. Can't say which one for sure, but if I'm right this means that the whole planter is as good as dead. Toss it in the garbage, get a new ...
Sir Thinksalot's user avatar
1 vote

What are these white spots on my parsely?

This looks a lot like powdery mildew. This is what powdery mildew looks like: There are many options for treatment. To be honest though, I don't know if it is worth the trouble. If the parsley was ...
Mysterious Challenger's user avatar
1 vote

What kind of plant is this? Found a flower plant in my grocery parsley

Not sure what it is - an open flower would help with ID. It looks vaguely like Catharansus, but might not be. If it's got a good root system, you can transfer it to a small pot with fresh potting ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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New herbs turning brown. Need rescue

They may not be accustomed to sunlight, so that might have caused a problem, but the main issue is probably lack of water. Water when the surface of the soil feels just about dry to the touch, water ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Parsley in a jar - looks miserable and sick

It needs to root into the soil and it needs more water - you really do need to find a pot with drainage holes and transfer it to that, using fresh potting soil to plant it into,then give it a good ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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White flies / aphids on Parsley and Herbs in Winter

It's certainly a heavy and probably longstanding infestation of some type of whitefly by the looks of it, but that's quite unusual on plants growing outdoors which aren't brassicas in the UK and ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Parsley looks sick, how do I water & care for Parsley?

I am not expert but I just wanted to write. Don't you need like 4-5 hours sunlight for parsley? I would water more often. I wouldn't wait until it dries. Keep the soil lightly moist and be sure to ...
Sami's user avatar
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