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Why do some plants need an "open" position?

Some plants may be susceptible to root rots and perhaps fungal problems on the upper parts, and thus need good drainage and airflow around them; an open position, not closed in or crowded by other ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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4 votes

Should I avoid hybrid species of native plants for birdscaping?

Amelanchier × grandiflora is an example of a "nativar," that is, a cultivated variety of a native plant. While there's some range of opinions, reputable sources agree that it's best to plant ...
csk's user avatar
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Should I avoid hybrid species of native plants for birdscaping?

While this is a natural question to ask, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question: it depends on the particular hybrid. Naturally-occurring Hybrids Some hybrids are naturally occurring ...
cazort's user avatar
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3 votes

What are the best mixes for native Georgia wildflowers/grasses?

I can see why you're having trouble finding a native mix - as usual, companies that sell "native wildflowers" for Georgia also include non-native species like Four O'Clock and cosmos. I ...
Jurp's user avatar
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2 votes

Should I avoid hybrid species of native plants for birdscaping?

Though this answer doesn't supplant the great and detailed ones that were given when I first asked the question, I recently came across a source which addresses the precise nativar cross I was looking ...
Empiromancer's user avatar
2 votes

Killing off Striped Maples

You best bet, other than completely uprooting all of the saplings, is an herbicide that you brush on to the cut stems/stumps. The best one of these, IMO, is triclopyr (if it's available in your area). ...
Jurp's user avatar
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2 votes

Are Coreopsis "Zagreb" and "Moonbeam" normally less compact than less natural cultivars?

If you're in the US, then the non-threadleaf coreopsis are much closer in appearance and habit to Coreopsis lanceolata and Coreopsis tripteris (both native to eastern and central US; the latter into ...
Jurp's user avatar
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2 votes

What can I plant to help dry out a wet area and prevent erosion?

that will help prevent erosion but will also allow the land underneath to dry out. The water is coming from the earth below. Even if it collects in a low area during times of rain, there is water ...
Charby's user avatar
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1 vote

What can I plant to help dry out a wet area and prevent erosion?

You seem to have cause and effect mixed up, here. You get cattails because there is wetness, not the other way around. Cranberries might work for a plant that tolerates wetness other than cattails.
Ecnerwal's user avatar
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What are the best mixes for native Georgia wildflowers/grasses?

I personally think that the best way to get seeds and/or plants for a planting like the one you describe is to go as local as possible, which means gathering seed from your immediate neighborhood, and/...
cazort's user avatar
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1 vote

Will different species of elderberry get the same cross pollination benefits

Well, it is a common refrain in the nursery business that you need two varieties to get fruit, and I am sure this increases sales but I'm not sure it is right. Many years ago I propagated one cutting ...
Colin Beckingham's user avatar

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