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2 votes

Brown patches on pothos plant

If a houseplant starts to show signs like yours only a few days after purchase, the problem or cause is down to the store you bought it from and often it is a result of packing and shipping issues ...
Nikki's user avatar
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My very young mandarin orange is loosing its last leaf and drying out. Is there hope?

Oh dear... the small one is pretty much screwed. If there aren't still any buds on the part that's still alive, all hope is lost - bin it. The large one, on the other hand is positively thriving - ...
Sir Thinksalot's user avatar
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key limes not ready to harvest by winter

Sure the limes will ripen indoors; as long as the tree is happy you'll have no problems.
Sir Thinksalot's user avatar
3 votes

Does a skylight provide indirect sunlight to plants?

Indeed, a skylight can give plants indirect sunlight, which is usually ideal for a variety of houseplants. Diffuse light that is reflected by the aluminum-lined conduit and passes through the acrylic ...
Amritesh Nandan's user avatar
2 votes

Shasta daisy leaves becoming soft and turning brown

Turn it out of its pot and cut it in half - a bread knife usually works well for this - then repot filling in with potting soil. Repot the second half separately if you want, otherwise dispose of it. ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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