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Cuttings growing leaves underground

If you only did it a couple of weeks ago, that was a bit late for a hardwood cutting. You can follow Stormy's instructions regarding this particular cutting to give it a second chance, but you can ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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4 votes

Hydrangea's allelopathic effects on crops?

Hydrangea varieties are not known to have allelopathic properties, and their presence nearby should therefore not cause any problems to the plants you mention, nor any others, although their need for ...
Bamboo's user avatar
  • 135k
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Can I take cuttings from hydrangea?

These are not cuttings, they are simply new growth coming off the roots of the plant, and as such, are not suitable for propagation purposes. You can propagate hydrangeas though, and there are three ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Why did my hydrangea's flowers die?

You have basically answered your question: I haven't watered [...] them yet. They aren’t dead, they are thirsty! The soil is a bit out of focus in your photos, but it seems very dry. Not all ...
Stephie's user avatar
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Can I save this (hydrangea?) plant?

It's not dead, it's just the flowers are fading. This will have been intended as a temporary visitor in the home as a houseplant, because Hydrangea macrophylla is not in flower at this time of year ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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What is the matter with this Hydrangea?

Drought - you don't say where you are, so I don't know what your weather's been like, but either way, you need to give it a few litres every few days. If you're not convinced, gently dig it up and ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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How to prune hydrangeas that are too heavy

They look like a cultivar of Hydrangea arborescens (I would've said 'Annabelle' except some of the flowers are blue). Falling down because the blooms are too heavy is exactly what cultivars of H. ...
Jurp's user avatar
  • 20.1k
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Some vines around root of hydrangeas?

The plant surrounding and climbing into the Hydrangea is Vinca - not sure if its Vinca minor or Vinca major; common name is periwinkle. The difference between the two varieties is one has smaller ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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3 votes

What element is needed to turn Hydrangea flowers blue?

You want to acidify your soil, so sulfur because that is used to make sulfuric acid.
black thumb's user avatar
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Hydrangea's allelopathic effects on crops?

Hydrangea somehow evolved to be resistant to Juglone that the walnut produces to discourage competition by its own babies and many other plants. Hydrangea learned to be able to grow under walnuts, in ...
stormy's user avatar
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Why does my Mathilda hydrangea have an old green flower and a new purple one on the same stem?

Hydrangea is also my favorite! Yours looks really good for an indoor hydrangea. I have many varieties growing outdoors and occasionally have bushes pop up errant color flowers, like yours. This ...
NaniBly's user avatar
  • 99
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Hydrangea flowers not blooming as expected

Hello: I have lots of hydrangea in my gardens and this issue was fascinating to me. The bottom photo is absolutely a lacecap flower, not a mophead, so I did some research and found this on ask....
judy's user avatar
  • 46
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Hydrangea flowers not blooming as expected

These are two different varieties of Hydrangea - they're both H. macrophylla, but the second picture shows a lacecap variety, whereas the first shows a 'mophead' type. Lacecaps flower exactly as shown ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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2 votes

Should I cut Hydrangea surfacing roots?

Be careful, these might also be new branches growing! Can't tell without an image. If your hydrangea grows roots above ground, another solution would be to add some compost or potting soil to the ...
J. Chomel's user avatar
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How and when should hydrangea be trimmed?

Depends what part of the world you're in and whether your hydrangea is a paniculata or macrophylla type. Its quite hard to tell from the dead flower whether its H. macrophylla or not - they're the ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Will Hydrangeas Next to a Freshwater Seawall Suffer from Occasional Flooding?

Well, I just learned something new! Bigleaf Hydrangea is extremely salt tolerant! Sounds like the sun exposure is fine, partial shade is best anyway. I would build a plant bed by 'fruffing' up the ...
stormy's user avatar
  • 40.5k
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Newly planted Hydrangeas do not look good

It sounds like insufficient water. Whilst 20 minutes via your sprinkler system every other day might be fine for lawns or plants which have been present in the ground for a couple of years, it's not ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Question about Partial Sun

Hydrangeas do best in partial or dappled shade in soil that does not regularly dry out - a south facing position, unless it is partially shaded by other shrubs, is not the best of growing conditions, ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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10 months old rooted hortensia, is it chlorosis? What would be a simple hobbyist gardener's treatment?

It sounds like a nutrient shortage in the potting soil you used might be likely - most potting soils are made up with a slow release fertiliser which lasts about 6 weeks to 3 months (depending on the ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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How to plant hydrangeas behind shrub

If you're growing the boxwood as hedging, then presumably it will be a low, clipped hedge - left to grow naturally, these shrubs will reach between 2 and 4 feet, with a similar spread, so it depends ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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What has happened to my hydrangea

Hydrangeas need acid soil to be blue. They are pink in alkaline soil. Looks like the plant was grown in acid soil and your soil is alkaline. Your soil is gradually changing the flowers to pink. It ...
blacksmith37's user avatar
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Hydrangea doesn't grow and leaves are getting dry and black

I live in an area with very hard water and soil of alkaline clay, and my hydrangeas grows excellent in shade. Most of the plants was bought with blue flowers exactly like yours, but next year they get ...
Gyrfalcon's user avatar
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Hydrangea doesn't grow and leaves are getting dry and black

Insufficient water is one problem, but I can see tiny white blobs, maybe insects or eggs, on the underside of the top leaf in the second photograph - I can't tell what they are, but check with a ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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1 vote

Is my Endless Summer Bloomstruck Hydrangea healthy or am I doing something wrong?

The plant looks healthy enough IMO, though it looks as if it will need a bigger pot next year. It is normal for hydrangeas to have some "green flowers". The most obvious part of hydrangea &...
alephzero's user avatar
  • 11.5k
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Why is my newly planted hydrangea dying?

It sounds like a watering issue and it's possible its time indoors meant it needed hardening off before being planted outdoors, especially if the plant was not fully exposed to the outdoors prior to ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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What is wrong with my Hydrangeas

I believe if you water at the base of the plant you will likely prevent the problems from that point forward. It looks like you have both powdery mildew (the whitish gray spots) and anthracnose fungus ...
Kar's user avatar
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What element is needed to turn Hydrangea flowers blue?

If you just want blue hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla only) in pots, then a dose of aluminium sulfate will do the trick quite quickly. Either that or sequestered iron will do it, but in the ground, ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Should I cut off hydrangeas' early blooms?

Unfortunately, Hydrangea macrophylla flowers on the previous year's wood, and they are not repeat flowering. If you cut off the flowerbuds now, you are unlikely to get any further flowerbuds this ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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Cuttings growing leaves underground

Your branch buds were already determined to be vegetative and not roots. Cut just above your bud node at an angle sloping down so water will drip off between the buds not on the buds. Leave a 1/4 ...
stormy's user avatar
  • 40.5k
1 vote

Identifying a plant with pink and white flowers which grow in clusters

This is a hydrangea macrophylla, of the “lacecap” type. While the “mop head” shows just the larger type of flowers with decorative sepals, the lacecaps have flowers with sepals at the perimeter of ...
Stephie's user avatar
  • 16.8k

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