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9 votes

What to do if too many seedlings are in the same pot?

You seem to have more than a hundred seedlings overall. Are you willing to grow every single one of them into adult plants? I'm assuming not. If that's the case, you'll be discarding them at a later ...
willyjoker's user avatar
7 votes

Rats like to eat cactus?

Rodents do eat Opuntia (also known as prickly pear) varieties - not necessarily rats, but other rodents too. You've not said what variety of cactus, but if it is one of the Opuntias, then likely the ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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7 votes

Are these 'fluffy' cacti healthy?

These cacti seem very happy to me, they even started to get a baby! Wow! I am not sure how much light they get there on the dinner table, but many cacti are fine in the shade. Cacti in general are ...
benn's user avatar
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6 votes

What is this flowering succulent?

It's an orchid cactus, Epiphyllum oxypetallum, also known as Night Blooming cactus - can be grown in a trailing fashion if given plenty of sun and little water, as a more upright plant given shade and ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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6 votes

How long can an Opuntia (prickly pear cactus) live?

I don't know about centuries, but some species live a long time. The large species like Opuntia ficus indica develop woody stems and grow in a tree-like fashion. There are several other South American ...
Tim Nevins's user avatar
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6 votes

What species cactus is this?

I think that's a Euphorbia, not a cactus. Similar to E. grandicornis. The tell is that the thorns aren't coming from an areole, they're growing from the edge of the plant. All cactus are succulents, ...
Tim Nevins's user avatar
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5 votes

How to grow a new Opuntia (prickly pear) from a cutting?

I've propagated a lot of prickly pear. They root easily and grow roots faster than most cactus. You could just stick it in soil a few days after cutting, forget about it, and it will most likely ...
Andrew Bocz Jr's user avatar
5 votes

How to grow a new Opuntia (prickly pear) from a cutting?

I've never bothered with drying them. I just plonk them vertically in some sandy soil - I may need to prop them up at first until roots grow. Then they will grow. It might take a while - cacti are ...
winwaed's user avatar
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5 votes

What's happening to my cactus? Why is the base of the cactus drying?

I think this is Turbinicarpus horripilus, see here I can see the whitened ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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5 votes

What are these potted plants with thin stems and leaves that look like sticks?

Try this one; drunkard cactus, little bottles Let's see if this name works for this plant. I like the drunkard part because it looks like lots of little bottles...grins!
stormy's user avatar
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5 votes

What are these white/yellowish spots on my mexican fence post cactus?

How sure are you, that this is a fungus? To me, it looks suspiciously like scale, although the photos are a bit blurry. Try to pry off one of the bigger thingies. If my suspicion is correct, you'll ...
Stephie's user avatar
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5 votes

What is this columnar cactus?

It's a Cleistocactus variety, just not sure which, maybe C. smaragdiflorus, though the flowers on that one usually have a greenish tip, see here
Bamboo's user avatar
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5 votes

Why is my cactus so thin?

I think it might be Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum - not 100% whether its that or Stenocereus fimbriatus, but either way, that diseased part needs to go. It likely is attached below soil level to the ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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5 votes

Can I plant succulents and cactus in the same pot?

All of these succulents are from a similar environment in Southern Africa. If you put them in a nice big/long pot and don't over water, they should co-exist. You can mix diverse species using some ...
CloneZero's user avatar
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Orange and White thing in my new house plant soil

Well it looks like a fruiting body from a fungus, but not one I recognise. First, let's just clarify, when you water a houseplant, you should always empty out the tray beneath after 30 minutes, so ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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5 votes

Is my cactus infested with mealy bugs?

The white tufts around the cactus's needles are typical, especially because you said its been there for over 5 years. Mealy bugs congragate usually groups and don't evenly spaced on a plant's surface....
CloneZero's user avatar
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Are these 'fluffy' cacti healthy?

This looks more like a Cleistocactus to me, a South American species. They look well grown; stems are fairly even width, no etiolation and fibers/spines getting longer. Vigorous spine/fiber growth ...
Tim Nevins's user avatar
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5 votes

Cactus with brown and white spots. What is the problem?

It either had rot or is still actively rotting from the inside out. My guess is too rich of soil and too much water. It happens.... Cactus exposed to cold would more likely be marked on the top over ...
Tim Nevins's user avatar
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5 votes

Big cactus identification and how long does it take?

The two plants on the left are either Carnegiea gigantea or Saguaro or Pachycereus pringlei or Mexican/Sonoran Saguaro. They look very similar at this stage. They look to be 10-15 years old. My ...
Tim Nevins's user avatar
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5 votes

When and how to repot this cactus?

Cacti with long and relatively fat spines are not the worst to handle. You may get a few pricks, but they soon heal. Cacti with lots of very thin "hairs" (e.g. many Opuntias) are much worse, because ...
alephzero's user avatar
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4 votes

Rats like to eat cactus?

Yes, many animals including: Rodents, Rabbits, Cows, Deer and Javelina eat cactus.
nu everest's user avatar
4 votes

Centering Opuntia Cactus

I think, from the sound of your request, that you'd be happier with a centered plant. Centering, however, will not prevent the plant from tilting and perhaps even falling from weight as it grows (a ...
Brenn's user avatar
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Centering Opuntia Cactus

Lots of plants, especially cactus, grow to maximize light exposure. I would leave it as it and change the pot orientation, maybe turn it 180°. It should help the existing part grow toward the center ...
J. Chomel's user avatar
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Strange buds/growths on my cactus

I think it might be Mammalaria karwinskiana, image showing flowers here Its quite a variable one, so although the image included shows the ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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The age of an Opuntia (prickly pear cactus)

Your question on how to estimate the age of Opuntia cactus was quite intriguing to me, after some weekend research the following study seemed most appropriate: Growth Rate and Life Span of a Prickly ...
CloneZero's user avatar
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4 votes

Is this a typical growth habit for a cactus?

It's an Echinocactus grusonii, that has been standing in the wrong place for maybe two years, thus the elongated growth in the middle. Typically too dark or to warm in winter. Then it has been moved ...
Stephan Otto's user avatar
4 votes

Opuntia Cactus: To cut or not to cut?

I would not recommend planting Opuntia cuttings more than one segment tall. My experience has been that it slows the rooting process and the plant appears to sit dormant for some time. Ideally, cut ...
Tim Nevins's user avatar
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4 votes

Prickly Pear Cactus is growing what looks like rot (need help)

Looks like a longstanding and heavy scale infestation, evidenced by the fact that some of the deposits have actually gone black, which only happens after a goodly time. Opuntia is prone to infection ...
Bamboo's user avatar
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4 votes

Identify this dead cactus - like a cleistocactus strausii, but super-dwarf?

Mammillaria elongata, your first guess was spot on! Other than being dead, it looks ok...
Tim Nevins's user avatar
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