The foliage on the plant looks reasonably healthy, but the blooms are fading. I don't know how long those particular blooms have been in place, but if it's a few weeks, it's time to deadhead, unusually for *Hydrangea macrophylla* varieties. Endless Summer hydrangeas are a newer variety which should keep producing new flowers throughout summer, but according to this link, they do need deadheading to encourage new blooms.

There are one or two withered tips to the leaves though, which suggests the plant is not quite being kept sufficiently well supplied with water, so you likely need to increase watering. You can check by pushing your finger down the side of the pot into the soil to see how damp it is or not halfway down now, though I wouldn't recommend doing that often. As the pot has drainage, even if you over water, the excess will just flow away, but be aware that if the soil in a pot is dry all through or in the centre, any water you apply will just run straight through, without it being taken up completely by the soil and root ball of the plant. If you find the soil is dry halfway down, take the pot off its plinth and water the plant thoroughly while it's sitting directly in an outer tray or bucket or something and leave it for an hour, then remove it and let it drain down and replace on the plinth.